check out my whacky wolf3d mod
category: residue [glöplog]
OMG! That's really whacky!
Hey, are you me circa 1993?
Also, get out
you made a wolf3d mod? :)
Hah. Kudos for actually doing a wolf3d mod. Too bad it's... weird.
Didn't know there is a windows port of wolf3d. Might play again. I never finished this game cause the old engine got me motion sicknessed after 15 minutes. Don't know why..
You got only the worst of coders' abilities: coders' colors!
i wonder if some you guys could use the art from my mod, i wouldn't mind
Some of these sprite would do nice justice to Rob is Jarig 2
i uploaded the mod to mediashare if anyone wants to take a look, it has full first episode, if you want all six you need MAPHEAD.WL6 and GAMEMAPS.WL6 from original wolf3d (steam version works).
wtf sharehosters
jco sorry my bad
What's on the soundtrack then, the sound of a million eyes bleeding perhaps? ;-)
i thought it looked kinda demoish
unfortunately not :D
it does look kindof like some BITS prods :(
some sprites from my mod

Made me smile!
Hi mom, I made a poopie ... ehm, I mean ... hi scene, I did a crappy gamemod!