fuck you all, i quit.
category: offtopic [glöplog]
dipswitch: you know nosfe? omfg :)
gemini: GO GET HER GIRL!
gemini: GO GET HER GIRL!
I miss "fuckings go to" in intros :)
I eat toilet paper.
If you want I can add some "fucking" in my next intro, we have a long list of people to "greet" ;)
dont have time to vote for the scene org awards guys. im to busy coding my next shitty demo!
regarding fuckings, remember that it has to be well deserved!
rez a good intro has fuckings so add them!
WsW: i'm sure the 7 year old joke thread would not have been complete without your input.
WsW: i'm sure the 7 year old joke thread would not have been complete without your input.

Dutch saying: Oude Koeien uit de sloot halen..

in the hotel breakfast room i'm sitting in right now they are playing tears don't lie and i keep expecting shitty synthetic sound things but instead i get this stupid cheesy pan flute all the time.
oh no, now they switched to the country western score part of sam and max.
fuck you, four stars.
oh no, now they switched to the country western score part of sam and max.
fuck you, four stars.