MindCandy 3 completed! and ready to preorder
category: general [glöplog]
Do you know what'd be awesome? If I went to TUM and got my copy right there. Let's hope some scene Ferengi sees a business opportunity in that!
Do you know what's be awesome? If you didn't fuck up the link :D
congrats on the release.. I'm honored to bookend the collection with my music :)
Truck asked if we could make the English subtitle master file available so that someone could translate it into Japanese (I assume someone is going to try to remux/remake the DVD for a Japanese presentation or scener), so I did. Files are at ftp://ftp.oldskool.org/pub/MindCandy/Volume_3/subtitles/ and also include the Subtitle Workshop pascal script I wrote to massage them into a format Encore could parse.
Tomoya: fuck, every goddamn time ;)
kudos to the whole team.
Paralax: Enno from CSW-Verlag will have copies for sale at TUM. Last I heard, he only had 30 or so, so find him quickly. :)
yeah, get your copies at tUM!
phoenix: wow great news! thanks for the info.
Finally got mine yesterday! <3
Got mine in the mail last week, forgot to say thanks for a number of things! Nice production, guys.
I didn't remember 60fps was this smooth, great work!
Just watched the first few demos. These are gorgeous...
I got mine few days ago but got little time to try it... After looking to a demo from ASD, I select fr-043: rove. I never look to that demo entirely before.. as I felt it looked choppy fps on my pc... so I endup pressing ESC. When I look and listen to it on MindCandy 3.. I was shock.. WOW, How could I have even think to press ESC on that production!!!
I look back on Farbrausch website.. and no surprise it's listed at the best of their prods!! Looking at it on youtube.. I felt, the real thing have to be seen on MindCandy 3! :)
I look back on Farbrausch website.. and no surprise it's listed at the best of their prods!! Looking at it on youtube.. I felt, the real thing have to be seen on MindCandy 3! :)
So yeah, about MAZ:

(It actually checks the wrong field.)

(It actually checks the wrong field.)
I would have loved to support MAZ as well (if nothing than for the legacy-feeling of it), but their shop is just too full of stupid errors. Unless people make a special effort to shop there, I can't really see them surviving much longer if they don't shape up.
Maz reports the "whole numbers only" bug has now been fixed.
Also, he has already sold out of the first shipment of 500 (240 more are headed his way), so I think the shop will be okay for now. :)
Also, he has already sold out of the first shipment of 500 (240 more are headed his way), so I think the shop will be okay for now. :)
Otherwise, you're welcome to get them directly from us if you don't mind the longer shipping time: http://www.mindcandydvd.com/3/order.html#orderhere.
Any estimate on how are the sales going outside the scene?
Got mine today. Seeing fairlight demos in hi res at 60fps really makes me appreciate how good they truly are. Thanks to all for the great work on this disk.
I got all 3 mindcandy dvds and this is by faaaar the best one. One excellent smooth experience.. 720p 60fps looks fux0ring GREAT! Congrats Trixter&co :D and thank you! Wohooooo!
Thanks for all the kind words guys, it really means the world to me that our somewhat unconventional scene productions is being so well received. Hornet has always been an odd group (less prods and more contests/archives/videos) and I'm glad we're still around and still contributing after nearly two decades.
@xernobyl: Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way for us to track scener vs. non-scener sales. Maz is selling well; we are selling very slowly but it's only been 3 weeks since the release date. We're patient :-) The previous two releases funded this one, so I'm sure we'll break even at some point. If not, no big deal.
@xernobyl: Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way for us to track scener vs. non-scener sales. Maz is selling well; we are selling very slowly but it's only been 3 weeks since the release date. We're patient :-) The previous two releases funded this one, so I'm sure we'll break even at some point. If not, no big deal.
FWIW, I bought my copy at Maz, and had no problems
MAZ just wrote us an email that he's out of stock, which must mean that he had about ~200 copies sell in about what, a month? :)
200? Wasn't it 500?