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TRSAC 2011 - 21st - 23rd October - Aarhus, Denmark

category: parties [glöplog]
Hello, I am Punqtured and I am so gay for dwarf and I can't wait for tomorrow so I can cuddle him and caress his hair and call him 'my sweet princess!'

Also, okkie is awesome and the best dude ever!
added on the 2011-10-20 13:31:52 by Punqtured Punqtured
added on the 2011-10-20 14:18:51 by dwarf dwarf
Is dwarf's mom showing up?
added on the 2011-10-20 14:42:04 by kyber kyber
no but i think she's putting out
added on the 2011-10-20 16:00:54 by farfar farfar
we'll try to be in time for the demoscene quiz! :P
added on the 2011-10-20 16:44:23 by el mal el mal
damn, it's a fucking long drive!

Fucking pansy.
added on the 2011-10-20 18:40:00 by Shifter Shifter
Maali you better, still haven't worked out who's gonna compete :)
added on the 2011-10-20 19:45:10 by dwarf dwarf
If you accidentally delay it until 23:30 (just in case) you'll have 10 more norwegians to choose from! \o/
added on the 2011-10-20 19:46:32 by leijaa leijaa
fc twente! \o/
added on the 2011-10-20 19:59:11 by el mal el mal
sigh ... 23.30 .. is that when the bus/train hits aarhus or is it when you expect to be there?
added on the 2011-10-20 20:28:09 by dwarf dwarf
The bus leaves Billund at 22:05, so that's the time I really hope we'll be there... But you probably know better than me..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:35:04 by leijaa leijaa
Err.. Just strike that..

2210-2340 (Damn that bus ride was longer than I thought)..

If someone wants to pick up 10 norwegians at the airport at 21:00, that would rule..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:38:35 by leijaa leijaa
so you hit the airport at 21 and the bus leaves 22.10? - damn .. thought of taxi? .. I know it's expensive, but when you're so many.
added on the 2011-10-20 20:41:03 by dwarf dwarf
Yeah. There's a bus that leaves at 20:55, which we'll just miss..

Just checked "lufthavnstaxa.dk" which has the trip estimated to 4k (in 3 different taxis). The bus trip is 180 pr person so it's actually not that bad.. Especially if they manage a bigger taxi somehow..

Billund Taxi won't give me a price offer online, but I don't want to call them all the way from Norway :/
added on the 2011-10-20 20:48:10 by leijaa leijaa
tomorrow! (Yeah I just came home from work... )
added on the 2011-10-20 20:48:57 by Puryx Puryx
thats understandable .. but that probably means you'll be here at 24.00 afaik ..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:51:33 by dwarf dwarf
Just in time to call Billund Taxi and ask them how much they'd charge from the airport to the partyplace for around 10 people then (still not sure if we're 10, 9 or 8, actually)..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:52:04 by leijaa leijaa
they'd still need a taxi from the centre to partyhall
added on the 2011-10-20 20:52:11 by Puryx Puryx
That was for Puryx, that was..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:52:21 by leijaa leijaa
and for dwarf: actually my point was that with 180 pr person to downtown århus + the added extra to get to the party place, one might as well go for that 400 pr person for a taxi option..
added on the 2011-10-20 20:53:20 by leijaa leijaa
pylle: kom så, ring billund taxi og spør! snille organizer!
added on the 2011-10-20 20:54:15 by leijaa leijaa
8 pers taxi Billund -> Aarhus N: ca. DKK 1600

I'll call them for a price on a "real" minibus in 1.5 hours (he had to check that out)
added on the 2011-10-20 21:04:41 by Puryx Puryx
how the hell did it get that cheap? that's instantly what we'll do in that case..
added on the 2011-10-20 21:08:27 by leijaa leijaa
well that's a 8 pers. .. you are 10 ..
added on the 2011-10-20 21:15:08 by dwarf dwarf


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