POUET ALPHABET [yes, we're THAT bored]
category: residue [glöplog]
W is for wireframe. You see it everywhere you look.
V is for vertex collapse. It could remove the alphabetical order if applied here.
X is for XM, the extended module format for your ears. Listen to it.
Z is for ZETA JONES, she has nothing to do with demos!
Y is for y x 1
A is for ASD. ASD stands for Atheist Satanic Division.
B is for BASS!
C is for Captain. He is in Mensa too.
D is for diskmags, that's what makes Mensa members so smart
E is for experimental music. See C for more references.
F is for Framebuffer. Try not to fill 'em with eye cancer.
G is for Graphics, choose them with design and zero polys and shaders
H is for HA, G shouldve been Garfield!
I is for Impulse Tracker, superior to Fasttracker 2.
Æ is for "Hæhæhæhæ!", because Impulse Tracker is sooo NOT superor to Fast Tracker II.
J is for JavaScript. They say that it is the future.
K is for Kilobyte, which is, as we all know, EXACTLY 1000 bytes!
L is for Lamers.
M is for My little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (Not Magic the scener.)
N is for Noobs. We've all been there.
O is for Optimized code.
P is for Pants Off. You don't really need them.
Q is for Quit the scene, go home and be gamers.
R is for reset... This thread does as soon as it reaches Z.
T is for Trolling.