Where to go in Hamburg
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Germans! .. I need your help!
I'm going to Hamburg for the weekend with some colleagues and could use a tip about bars and places alike that are MUST GO THERE category.
Thank you in advance
Yours truly
I'm going to Hamburg for the weekend with some colleagues and could use a tip about bars and places alike that are MUST GO THERE category.
Thank you in advance
Yours truly

I am not German, though.
I've heard there a place called McDonalds where they serve the local specialty: hamburgers.
Reeperbahn Ferstival Spot on Denmark this weekend.
Yes i was aware of the reeperbahnfestival, but why go to germany to hear danish musicians? ... I was more looking for some tips about for example "Onkel Otto" or "Le Bon Lion" .. places like those :)
lol.. sorry, dwarf.. I never really noticed who the OP was.. Didn't think it was a dane..
do recommend Oh Land and Darkness Falls though..
do recommend Oh Land and Darkness Falls though..
dwarf: I recently moved away from the Reeperbahn (too noisy!) but hey, that's where the tourists go, anyways :D
Take a stroll around Altona, maybe visit the Schanzenviertel if you are looking for a pub-tour.
Maybe you should say what you are looking for. Hamburg is quite a big city ;)
(I'm sure kebby will take you on a goth party any day of the week plus if you arrive on thursday you could
join us at the weekly pub meet (which for lazy me is more like bi-monthly thing. d'oh!))
Take a stroll around Altona, maybe visit the Schanzenviertel if you are looking for a pub-tour.
Maybe you should say what you are looking for. Hamburg is quite a big city ;)
(I'm sure kebby will take you on a goth party any day of the week plus if you arrive on thursday you could
join us at the weekly pub meet (which for lazy me is more like bi-monthly thing. d'oh!))
Don't listen to xyz, I'm also living near the Reeperbahn and thanks to airport strength windows it's not too loud :D
Regarding the pub meet: Good idea. Our usual Thursday hangout is the 3ZimmerWohnung which has been approved of by a fine selection of international sceners already :) - and we can probably arrange something on Friday or Saturday. Also, there's Hamburg's best pizza place and a goth bar right next to it :D ... Might get a bit full because of that festival tho.
But yeah, just say what kind of places / style of music you want to have, we'll find something for you :)
Regarding the pub meet: Good idea. Our usual Thursday hangout is the 3ZimmerWohnung which has been approved of by a fine selection of international sceners already :) - and we can probably arrange something on Friday or Saturday. Also, there's Hamburg's best pizza place and a goth bar right next to it :D ... Might get a bit full because of that festival tho.
But yeah, just say what kind of places / style of music you want to have, we'll find something for you :)
Well, that's the point, I would rather see some new places than see the places I like ... already thinking about Schanzenviertel though :)
Pub meet could be fun, but since i'm going with my colleagues, I will try spending my time with them, that's kinda the whole point in the "trip" anyway. And being in charge of the whole operation (planning, booking, bus, finding restaurant and so on), it was more of an - "I've heard this place is awesome - we could go there" thing :)
But thanks for the help
Pub meet could be fun, but since i'm going with my colleagues, I will try spending my time with them, that's kinda the whole point in the "trip" anyway. And being in charge of the whole operation (planning, booking, bus, finding restaurant and so on), it was more of an - "I've heard this place is awesome - we could go there" thing :)
But thanks for the help
Well, that's the point, I would rather see some new places than see the places I like ... already thinking about Schanzenviertel though :)
Pub meet could be fun, but since i'm going with my colleagues, I will try spending my time with them, that's kinda the whole point in the "trip" anyway. And being in charge of the whole operation (planning, booking, bus, finding restaurant and so on), it was more of an - "I've heard this place is awesome - we could go there" thing :)%0
Pub meet could be fun, but since i'm going with my colleagues, I will try spending my time with them, that's kinda the whole point in the "trip" anyway. And being in charge of the whole operation (planning, booking, bus, finding restaurant and so on), it was more of an - "I've heard this place is awesome - we could go there" thing :)%0
thank you shitty internet :(
disable internet!
Just don't plan to visit the Hamburg dungeon. It's kind of a boring and overrun tourist attractiion. An "Alsterrundfahrt" is something I like doing there with friends when I'm there. Or if you like Musical, König der Löwen is quite ok too.
Olivier .. I thank thee for the tips! .. Alsterrundfahrt could be a good idea, so we do something else/more than just drinking beer :)
Kyber, Of course I already know about Herbertstrasse
Ringo .. not funny dude, not even slighty, shouldn't you go add something for your image threads?
Kyber, Of course I already know about Herbertstrasse
Ringo .. not funny dude, not even slighty, shouldn't you go add something for your image threads?
i happen to know, that the Hamburg Zoo has a very fine collection of guinea pigs! :)
So, that's where you bring the kids on vacation?
dwarf: Well the 3ZimmerWohnung is always good if you like sofas, chilly music, beers/booze, table football or any combination thereof. Also, the staff know us well and long enough that they instantly associate foreign IT/media industry people with us and go to super-friendly mode :D
What I can recommend tho is eg. this:
* http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/. They even got a fully functional airport now. Warning: LONG queues at the weekend. Better get your tickets in advance.
* If you're planning a harbour tour, don't use the expensive tourist tours, just get yourself a day ticket for public transport and board a ferry. The 62 gets by almost everything interesting to see (Elbphilharmonie/Landungsbrücken/Fischmarkt/Docklands (you can mount the roof there and enjoy a great view)/Beach) and you can get off/on as you like. Also, drinking is still tolerated until the 30th ;)
Also, bars/clubs:
* For the dirty authentic feeling and a genuine insight into Hamburg's club culture, check out the Golden Pudel Club. They've got the weirdest music, the ugliest DJs (or "MP3 Selektas" :) and it's always fun. Also open on Sundays \o/, and the cafe and outside area above the club is nice to chill out.
* Tho, if you like it more posh/mainstream, check out the Alpha Noble Ice Bar and the Indochine bar below it.
* The end of the night (also called morning) is best spent at the Hamburger Berg and its selection of bars of all styles and qualities. Between "OMG WAT" and very good, House and Metal, straight and gay, you'll find everything there, including lots of interesting people. Just be aware that "drunk foreigner" is the #1 target for everyone even slightly criminal, so stay away from anyone offering you anything. Really. :)
What I can recommend tho is eg. this:
* http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/. They even got a fully functional airport now. Warning: LONG queues at the weekend. Better get your tickets in advance.
* If you're planning a harbour tour, don't use the expensive tourist tours, just get yourself a day ticket for public transport and board a ferry. The 62 gets by almost everything interesting to see (Elbphilharmonie/Landungsbrücken/Fischmarkt/Docklands (you can mount the roof there and enjoy a great view)/Beach) and you can get off/on as you like. Also, drinking is still tolerated until the 30th ;)
Also, bars/clubs:
* For the dirty authentic feeling and a genuine insight into Hamburg's club culture, check out the Golden Pudel Club. They've got the weirdest music, the ugliest DJs (or "MP3 Selektas" :) and it's always fun. Also open on Sundays \o/, and the cafe and outside area above the club is nice to chill out.
* Tho, if you like it more posh/mainstream, check out the Alpha Noble Ice Bar and the Indochine bar below it.
* The end of the night (also called morning) is best spent at the Hamburger Berg and its selection of bars of all styles and qualities. Between "OMG WAT" and very good, House and Metal, straight and gay, you'll find everything there, including lots of interesting people. Just be aware that "drunk foreigner" is the #1 target for everyone even slightly criminal, so stay away from anyone offering you anything. Really. :)
... or just stroll through the Schanzenviertel, stay for one drink at each bar there (and end up at the Zoe2 or Zoe3 at Neuer Pferdemerkt) or pass out on the stairs of the Rote Flora, Hamburg's official left-wing extremist hideout (also club and motorcycle repair shop). You can also find good food from all places except the UK. :P
What ? no fried chicken ?
It's not Gebrateneshuhnburg. According to my google translate kung fu.
hugs and kisses kebby, exactly the kind of info I was hoping for!