Random gif animation thread
category: residue [glöplog]

devin towsend fucking rules:

Nahh... I was at Bloodstock this weekend, and I went to see the first 20mins of Devin Townsend before Lawnmower Deth came on the other stage, and he played the first song, and it was shit. So I went and got a burger instead before going to see Lawnmower Deth (who were hilarious).
Nahh... I was at Bloodstock this weekend, and I went to see the first 20mins of Devin Townsend before Lawnmower Deth came on the other stage, and he played the first song, and it was shit. So I went and got a burger instead before going to see Lawnmower Deth (who were hilarious).

omf.I'm leaving...

nebadon2025: What is this? Is it from a demo? Or a video?
^ Yeah, like to know.