TRSAC 2011 - 21st - 23rd October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
damn those guinea pigs and that VW bus are awesome :D - will there be a trsac-compo in dubstep miming?
TRSAC has been twitterfied - @TRSACPARTY !
70 signups reached!
Remember that we will accept remote entries.
More info will follow on the website soon.
Remember that we will accept remote entries.
More info will follow on the website soon.
ah, you accept remote entries => ill stay the fuck! :)
Rasmus: Nej! Du skal være der for at kunne deltage!
Den er nemlig den helt særlige slags remote-entries, hvor man sender en mail til sig selv med produktionen, som man så først må åbne, når man er ankommet til partyet! Nemlig!
someone is leaking that the comporules is online at - so might as well write it here too!
If you are annoyed or wishful or anything, feel free to shoot us a mail or post here. And we mean ANYTHING, unless you are danish. then you just need to turn up :) -
Its gonna be so awesome that Magic^Nah is gonna start going "hehe yeah, the party 92 was okay, but it didnt have SHIT on TRSAC 2011" - true story.
If you are annoyed or wishful or anything, feel free to shoot us a mail or post here. And we mean ANYTHING, unless you are danish. then you just need to turn up :) -
Its gonna be so awesome that Magic^Nah is gonna start going "hehe yeah, the party 92 was okay, but it didnt have SHIT on TRSAC 2011" - true story.
nico din supertard, det var jo ikke RIGTIG online, bare sådan secret så folk kunne komme med rettelser din elendige abekat, altså FO HELVEDEEEEEEEE :) Nu lægger jeg det sgu bare online så, og skrid så til udlandet :D
og skal du være announcer til partyet? :)
og skal du være announcer til partyet? :)
YOU ARE THE FUCKING LEAK .. din store snotskovl .. WIP rules, now made public, gj humaniore/vegan fucktard .. du sku da bare smajres lige i kraniet med din mors patter!
(jeg kan nu godt lide dig, men det der er satten fjolleret) .. (det blev jo leaked I ORGANIZING gruppen)
(jeg kan nu godt lide dig, men det der er satten fjolleret) .. (det blev jo leaked I ORGANIZING gruppen)
oh, right - compo rules are online:
haha... jeg er buzzmaskinen, og så er man nødt til at have nogle 0DAY releases! og dem får jeg jo i organizing-gruppen ;)
du er en polomaskine nic0 :)
TRSAC translation service:
haha... I'm the buzzmachine, then you need to have some 0DAY releases! and I get those from the orga-group ;)
You're a polomachine (!?) nic0 :)
Puryx: Did you get the duckies yet? QWACK QWACK!
Can anyone bring a real Amiga 1260, or will Amiga emulation again be the solution for the 64k we're doing?
well blueberry lives nearby, so possibly he'll bring his 1260 - we'll look into it, but the default will be WinUAE :)
And As usual you can come test it before it is run on the big screen
Can anyon bring a real hamster, or will guinea pigs again be the solution for the stuff we're doing?
Sure, I can bring my 1260. Can the beamer sync at 50Hz (VGA)?
Blueberry, great - I'm not sure about the beamer, but we'll see what we can do!
As I recall, it was an Optoma HD20, right? If that's the case, it's able to sync at 50 Hrz