Tragedy in Norway
category: offtopic [glöplog]
I glad to say the recent BBC news report does state the correct nature of the situation, i.e. not Muslim!
It's a shame the rest of the "corporation" based international media have managed use this as a further beating stick for their own gain, to instil fear and hatred for Islam.
It's a shame the rest of the "corporation" based international media have managed use this as a further beating stick for their own gain, to instil fear and hatred for Islam.
Btw, what topic are you talking about?
doDgE: sorry, I was refering to swedish medias who are all owned by very conservative rightwing interests that contrary to the left and liberals dont have any bulkheads against their extremist-branches, and I see simularities in norvegian papers. In france, Le Monde has since yestarday removed words like terrorist, terrorist-attack and christian extremist from their new articles and is refering to him as a mad-man and even blame his frustration on the muslims just like dannish state-television. Apperantly its the muslims fault that a religious norvegian right-conservative bomb the goverment and kill teenagers...

doDgE: sorry, I was refering to swedish medias who are all owned by very conservative rightwing interests that contrary to the left and liberals dont have any bulkheads against their extremist-branches, and I see simularities in norvegian papers. In france, Le Monde has since yestarday removed words like terrorist, terrorist-attack and christian extremist from their new articles and is refering to him as a mad-man and even blame his frustration on the muslims just like dannish state-television. Apperantly its the muslims fault that a religious norvegian right-conservative bomb the goverment and kill teenagers...
I'm glad it was a crazy norwegian behind it. If it had been some islamic group all hell would have broken loose. Not just in surveilance, terror security and sutch, but those unlucky enuff to be a muslim and look arabic'ish like would get lynched and hate towards non-west foreigners would explode.
I bet Alex Jones is going to have field day out of the fact that Breivik was a freemason member. CONSPIRACYYYY!
I bet Alex Jones is going to have field day out of the fact that Breivik was a freemason member. CONSPIRACYYYY!
answer my question first, what has Adok done to you to deserve suicide, you big bully.
he uttered fascists opinions on several ocassions. there you have it, now what topic was that?
this is a topic about a tragedy that was carried out by a gunman. And you suggest that somebody with whom you disagree on politics should carry his own suicide? don't you find this a bit insensitive or is it just me.
the trolling against adok is in order with pouet traditions and I doubt that anyone of the pouet-users except him and the people sharing his opinions (like you) took any offensive in this but if that is the case im truly sorry.
But you chosing to call the terrorist just a gunman certainly very insensitive as it implies to the victims that this was nothing more than an unlucky incident, like an accident, and not an attack upon norvegian democracy and society.
But you chosing to call the terrorist just a gunman certainly very insensitive as it implies to the victims that this was nothing more than an unlucky incident, like an accident, and not an attack upon norvegian democracy and society.
I personally don't know if it is an incident, a terrorist attack or something else. Let justice take care of that and wait a few months (even years) for the outcome of this.
I understand poking harmless fun against somebody like Adok or optimus, who must have a fairly thick skin to take all this shit year in year out. But this is way tasteless. anyway.
I understand poking harmless fun against somebody like Adok or optimus, who must have a fairly thick skin to take all this shit year in year out. But this is way tasteless. anyway.
Navis: The perpetrator was caught red-handed, he has confessed, and even mailed out detailed descriptions of the plans one hour before the blast. This was an act of extreme right politically motivated terrorism, make no mistake about it.
I'm affraid this guy wasn't "crazy" as you or I may perceive it.
I'd rather stick to the term "psychopath".
About the proverbial hell breaking loose, it might come in slow motion
(as I tried to point out in earlier posts) on the notion of:
"if a Norwegian is able to do such a crime, we have to look _closer_ on our people ... preemptively, indefinitely, on everyone and unwarranted of course"
In a way such "domestic acts of terror" are more dangerous for the whole of the people in the aftermath.
Well, IF the politicians cave in to the fear and ill "advise" or even propaganda.
ATM Jones is rather pursuing the "false flag" possibility (which I also still think might possible -> see Rocambole network), starting with falling for a publication-date error due to Just-In-Time Google translation of an Aftenposten article about a bomb drill in March 2010 in Oslo.
P.J.Watson seemed to have mistaken his search result to be dated to July 20, 2011 and now the word of a "bomb drill 48 hrs before the blast" makes its rounds, when the date of the original Aftenposten article rather is March 17th 2010.
I'm affraid this guy wasn't "crazy" as you or I may perceive it.
I'd rather stick to the term "psychopath".
About the proverbial hell breaking loose, it might come in slow motion
(as I tried to point out in earlier posts) on the notion of:
"if a Norwegian is able to do such a crime, we have to look _closer_ on our people ... preemptively, indefinitely, on everyone and unwarranted of course"
In a way such "domestic acts of terror" are more dangerous for the whole of the people in the aftermath.
Well, IF the politicians cave in to the fear and ill "advise" or even propaganda.
ATM Jones is rather pursuing the "false flag" possibility (which I also still think might possible -> see Rocambole network), starting with falling for a publication-date error due to Just-In-Time Google translation of an Aftenposten article about a bomb drill in March 2010 in Oslo.
P.J.Watson seemed to have mistaken his search result to be dated to July 20, 2011 and now the word of a "bomb drill 48 hrs before the blast" makes its rounds, when the date of the original Aftenposten article rather is March 17th 2010.
well I do hope this was a one off, it is tragic beyond comprehension.
I understand poking harmless fun against somebody like Adok or optimus, who must have a fairly thick skin to take all this shit year in year out.
word. stick to the regular "STFU magic" or "GTFO Adok" and we'll be fine.
The difference between this terrorist and other people who shares his opinions is just that he converted his words to action. Now, his opinions are not unique, they have been seen alot amongst not only right wing and extrem right wing debators on the internet but also on all thoose discussionboards for tinfoilhats discussion worldwide conspiricy theories, something that has blossomed on the internet during the last 10 or so years. This terroristattacks could be the ignition that leads to alot of other of theese people go from words to action and i'm worried.
Now, the demoscene has always been a haven for people from all different society and political factions, left to right, and honestly. I have heard people in the demoscene utter very similar discourses that the one of the norvegian terrorist. adok and tomcat are two examples. We really have to afront all theese opinions with debate and facts so they wount grow into actions like what just happend in norway.
Now, the demoscene has always been a haven for people from all different society and political factions, left to right, and honestly. I have heard people in the demoscene utter very similar discourses that the one of the norvegian terrorist. adok and tomcat are two examples. We really have to afront all theese opinions with debate and facts so they wount grow into actions like what just happend in norway.

shall we need tragedy to understand the bad from the good ?
Canada has nearly as many registered firearms as America
According to this:
88.8 guns per 100 people in the US, and 30.8 guns per 100 people in Canada. Almost one third is not quite what I'd call "nearly as many".
oh damn, someone actually checked what he said :( all his propaganda gone :(
I was visiting Oslo the week before, and often visited a bar just ~450m from the explosion as a friend of a friend was working there. I spent some time talking to the owner of the bar - a really nice guy with a good consciousness.
Now I just found out that he was killed by Anders Breivik's explosion. It really makes no sense.
Now I just found out that he was killed by Anders Breivik's explosion. It really makes no sense.
graga: fucked up isn't it? Last year I had dinner in the restaurant in marakech that was bombed a month or two back. It's crazy looking at the pictures on tv and thinking that place, and all the people in it, are gone.
meanwhile, a copycat have a success :
who THE FUCK smiles after having killed 90+ kids? this is so fucked up I lack words.
They all smile. The kids are just "collateral" damage.

... of course, no one questions the actions of those figure-heads because they have a license to kill - anyone for any reason. It's only when the average land-less peasant does it that it is condemned.
Always, no sometimes, think it's me, but you know I know when it's a dream. I think I know I mean a 'Yes' but it's all wrong, that is I think I disagree.
but who smiles also is the western consumer, who buys CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. but why is it so cheap?
Start another thread to discuss your world view, please.
...while you can.