Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

Can't fucking sleep!
Try reading comments by Cros!

Hey Ringo, I'm getting worried... You woke up really early the other day, can't sleep today... Hope you're not going bananas, buddy... ;)
Oh yeah, random pic :

Oh yeah, random pic :

Hey Korg, I'm a funny sleeper - I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere, anytime but when I wake up that's it - brain's already ticking over and I can try going back to sleep but usually end up staring @ the ceiling then getting up in frustration! Been that way for years - that's 1 of the ways shift-work can fuck up your life.

Cheers anyway.

Cheers anyway.

As you said...
Ringo: I'm the same, as soon as my brain wakes up, that's it, I can't argue with it. :D
sleep disturbance is a sign for emerging shizoprhenia, just so you know! well, imho it fits pretty well.
Keep cool... Contemplate...

Hey guys - an hour on the couch after everyone is up just leaves me looking and feeling like shit. nvm.
I've taken w00t's advice and looked up some of cros's posts - not so much putting me to sleep as making me laugh and getting me into a much better mood for the day. Isn't it funny how the simple things are often the funniest! ;-P

That phase somehow reminds me of a certain "song" done by baz luhrmann some 12 years ago :p
Ah right, here it is.
That phase somehow reminds me of a certain "song" done by baz luhrmann some 12 years ago :p
Ah right, here it is.

Holy shit crumpets Batman!
Is everyone all right?