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iron sky is looking for lightwave artists

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Any movie with Udo Kier in the cast is worth watching.
added on the 2011-07-19 17:38:18 by lsl lsl
Also, time for pouetization, I'd say. Let the random real hitler women with or without hardware thread begin.

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added on the 2011-07-19 17:41:42 by kb_ kb_
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added on the 2011-07-19 17:47:16 by okkie okkie
Sergey Fukov approves of your effort!

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added on the 2011-07-19 17:52:04 by kb_ kb_
well, it's a documentary, isn't it?
Of course not! We all know the Nazi's created a base inside the North pole called 'Vinterstadt' where they breed blue haired, blond eyed super humans!
added on the 2011-07-19 18:17:39 by okkie okkie
well, it's a documentary, isn't it?

What? No, quite to opposite to be honest...
added on the 2011-07-19 18:17:56 by noby noby
It's a goddamn fact that any zombie and/or ufo movie project concerning Nazis is bound to remain in underfunded development hell (hi there, near-identical dutch project).

Notable exempt nation being Norway ;)
added on the 2011-07-20 02:28:48 by Shifter Shifter
I have no real business posting here but I gotta say that Norway is my favourite country. Besides, this thread is utterly stupid (except for the thread starter). @kb: that looks like Star Trek. d'oh !
added on the 2011-07-20 03:21:42 by xyz xyz
Shifter, actually Iron Sky has been able to get pretty good funding, at least when comparing to usual budgets of finnish movies. which of course is still quite peanuts compared to big hollywood movies.
added on the 2011-07-20 21:47:53 by nosfe nosfe
Initial funding is meaningless. Shoveling a movie out of a certain window of time *is* :)

I'd still love either project to resurface in a cinema near me, but they seem cursed.
added on the 2011-07-22 02:29:05 by Shifter Shifter
Considering that Iron Sky has finished pricipal photograpy on 3 continents, there is low chance of movie running out of funding just in last 12 months before release.

I've understood they are mainly churning out the cgi now and lack few shots from NYC, which they might have to do in CGI.

IIRC they were about 450ke short of funding in beginning of year, which is pretty small considering they've already secured 6.3Me already.
added on the 2011-07-22 06:09:16 by jalava jalava
All I know is Juno Reactor on soundtrack is instant win. For real.
added on the 2011-07-22 07:04:54 by Mewler Mewler
Laibach on soundtrack is even more instant win.
added on the 2011-07-22 10:13:59 by nosfe nosfe
hehe that dutch project has been done by the swedes... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1278340/
added on the 2011-07-22 12:04:28 by el mal el mal
oh norwegians.. whatever.. nordic conspiracy people!
added on the 2011-07-22 12:05:18 by el mal el mal
All hail the nordic conspiracy!

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(also, this will be your boss. AND your mom.)
added on the 2011-07-22 15:49:14 by kb_ kb_
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added on the 2011-07-22 16:29:04 by d0DgE d0DgE
wow, satw "comedy" is getting really fucking lame
added on the 2011-07-22 20:26:15 by havoc havoc
I'm not getting the Star Trek uniforms....
added on the 2011-07-23 06:10:38 by ringofyre ringofyre
ringofyre, check out star wreck
added on the 2011-07-27 23:53:15 by nosfe nosfe
... and ZOMG they do have zeppelins! Space zeppelins!
added on the 2012-02-13 23:57:16 by Y0Gi Y0Gi


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