iron sky is looking for lightwave artists
category: offtopic [glöplog]
some friends of mine are making a movie about nazis in the moon, and they are now looking for lightwave artists to work for them in tampere.
i figured someone here could be interested
some friends of mine are making a movie about nazis in the moon, and they are now looking for lightwave artists to work for them in tampere.
i figured someone here could be interested
I'd prefer Nazis in hell, rather than the moon.
nah, I think the moon is much cooler place for them to be
Wow. They must have a very high iq to live in the moon!
Maybe you are right. On the moon they will die immediately, in hell it will take some seconds. The sooner the better.
or they just like cool things, like the moon and Hugo Boss design
Lonsdale perhaps.
Hey..what's your pint Nosfe?
Hey..what's your pint Nosfe?
they still not finished it?
Maybe you are right. On the moon they will die immediately, in hell it will take some seconds. The sooner the better.
Read it out loud to yourself. See, you are no different.
Nazis do not deserve any mercy.
No different to whom?
No different to whom?
Mmm, pints
@plaf: :-)
@All: Idea: why don't we await Adok's reaction and then ignore it all ;-)
Well, it is not up to me to decide who deserves mercy or who doesn't. But, I am pretty sure I could find a few million people down there in South Africa who'd claim that the dutch or the french don't deserve any mercy either.
The point is, just because someone gets as low as classifying and categorizing people based on their beliefs and ethnicity doesn't mean you should be doing the same thing. Because, you see, if you think that way then I am sorry; but you are no different than a Nazi.
The point is, just because someone gets as low as classifying and categorizing people based on their beliefs and ethnicity doesn't mean you should be doing the same thing. Because, you see, if you think that way then I am sorry; but you are no different than a Nazi.
woutersoftware, hugo boss designed SS uniforms. go and make a movie about nazis in hell if you want.
anyway, the movie these guys are making is gonna kick ass, and it will for sure be a nice experience working on it for anyone who's got the talent. and they even pay money! what's not to like?
anyway, the movie these guys are making is gonna kick ass, and it will for sure be a nice experience working on it for anyone who's got the talent. and they even pay money! what's not to like?
Adok et al.: de genetici socialisti apertum lunae.
Nazis deserve a second chance.
Decipher: you're actually defending nazis and other massmurderes with that stupid "argumentation". that's just what they want sheep like you to think. imagine people would actually create a hatred against those criminals? they'd be in danger! but no, they make you feel superior by "not going to their niveau" haha, they laugh their asses of at dudes like you. with this stupid attitude you support their massmurders.
you have to hate them and have the desire to build a stake for them and watch them burn.
you have to hate them and have the desire to build a stake for them and watch them burn.
well, hating nazis so much that you hijack a job opportunity thread to a rant about how nazis should be put on a stake and burned is pretty fucking retarded. there are real and existing bad people in the world today, ranting against something that died in the 1940s is just plain silly.
my rant was not only for the nazis "nazis and other massmurderes" with that i only included nazis in my rant. the main addresee was the capitalist.
the french were in south africa? on holidays or smth?
make it north if you will, doesn't change much :P
wait what? the french actually achieved something? WHY CANT THEY MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT THAT?!?!?
and considering im a very generous person, i can export this mesh to .lwo if necessary!