Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]

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^ She (?) seems to showing more & more flesh. Katy Perry should take some fasion advice from Lady G.

This 1 is a test for cros.

This 1 is a test for cros.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjY0jphuBA0 She's quite random, pretty real, complete with metaballs

Crime scene do not cros.
showing more & more flesh
like a friggin maniac who escaped from psychohouse.
Crime scene do not cros.
this is really a crime to ones eyes. and what should this "test" be?
For once I've got to agree with Cros - The modelling sucks and the "bump map" is just ridiculous. Waaaaay to flat. Moar spikes!

don't ask, don't tell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG5VK2lquEc
Moar spikes, bumps, included flames and one random real woman


Let's end all this with a flame and a cros:

Moar spikes, bumps, included flames and one random real woman


Let's end all this with a flame and a cros:

Hurray for Jhae! But who the fuck is Lady Gaga? :-)
who is lady gaga? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNa_-1d_0tA&t=40s
Jhae! You just earned a liftetime membership on Pouet!
(Yet, Lady gaga? Lady Nana to me...) :)
(Yet, Lady gaga? Lady Nana to me...) :)
this is really a crime to ones eyes. and what should this "test" be?
If you had to ask, you failed.
I don't share your love of Gaga jhae but Aishawaya Rai. I definitely would.

well, now that i failed it, can you bother to explain it to me?
It was really just cros bait, the thread title should suffice as explanation.

Love to know if the drapes match the carpet.
this woman looks like a villian from one movie? i dont remember which one?

this woman looks like a villian from one movie? i dont remember which one?
She's actually our Prime Minister.

Gotta love Wimbledon.

this woman looks like a villian from one movie? i dont remember which one?
Maybe you mean Tilda Swinton's character Karen Crowden from the movie Michael Clayton:

(at least that's what she reminds me of)
i remembred! burn after reading!