Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]

;D'So I Thought, Why Not Get a Goat?'

@crosbow: wrong thread :b
cros heard "pussy" and fucked his cat?
Man that's fucking depraved that is. cros you should be chemically castrated and sent to live on a Pacific Island alone for being such a sexual deviant.
Man that's fucking depraved that is. cros you should be chemically castrated and sent to live on a Pacific Island alone for being such a sexual deviant.

Proof that crosbow utilises roofies.

cros has got his online Japanese gf into eating out pussies & cat felching.

cros's pussy beats him off. (With thanx again to ewerybody)


Spamming. Again? I thought you were better than that cros.


I will make this thread as unenjoyable as possible.
Good luck with that.

Sorry guys, don't really post, more of a scene audience guy but I have to ask, what is this crosbow dudes problem?

"crosbow the king of derps", rides again.

@horai - cros seems to have taken offense @ this rather tame thread & has appointed himself internet cop here as he likes to portray himself as a bit of a puritan - bottom line, he's a hypocritical troll who can't really tell his arse from his elbow. But to be fair I do seem to enjoy baiting him. Just a little bit... ;-)
What 8bit said.

What 8bit said.

Thanks man, I was beginning to think he had some kind of weird thing against women or something.
I was beginning to think he had some kind of weird thing against women or something.
Oh, I think he does have some really weird ideas about women. But then I'd be guessing that a lot of his reasoning might be called "unconventional".

Look in her eyes, Cros...


For a good sports!

Onto the next page! :-)