The Jesus @#$% Christ thread
category: offtopic [glöplog]
As in strong reactions to trends that boggle the mind.
My reaction to this was that I will hold off getting children until this is poof gone. And also to kill as many 6 year olds as possible to spare them from being eligible to play this. (No, I don't know what pegi 7 means.)
And no, I haven't seen any of the movies. Call me crazy, but I judged it from the facial hair of whatshisname.
Now go on :) Anything that made you go "Jesus @#$% Christ!" :)
My reaction to this was that I will hold off getting children until this is poof gone. And also to kill as many 6 year olds as possible to spare them from being eligible to play this. (No, I don't know what pegi 7 means.)
And no, I haven't seen any of the movies. Call me crazy, but I judged it from the facial hair of whatshisname.
Now go on :) Anything that made you go "Jesus @#$% Christ!" :)
Actually that looks quite decent if it ever amounts to anything. Nintendoish but with Lego. The films suck, I'll give you that.

This. & someone has done an exercise regime for it.
Fuck off. Srsly, get off your fencepost, balcony, dairy fridge, wall, whatever & go and make me a sandwich. FFS they've even given some pollie's son an award for it!
I think you may have pulled you finger out of the dyke with this 1 Photon. ;-)

This. & someone has done an exercise regime for it.
Fuck off. Srsly, get off your fencepost, balcony, dairy fridge, wall, whatever & go and make me a sandwich. FFS they've even given some pollie's son an award for it!
I think you may have pulled you finger out of the dyke with this 1 Photon. ;-)
Patent trolling companies in america suing small developers. This has got me seriously fucked off - yes, I'm looking at you lodsys and macrosolve!
They're suing the small companies, because to fight back you must go to court, which will cost minimum $50k. In other words, you'll fuck your business trying to fight it, and if you don't fight it they'll fuck your business up and take the money.
So far they've targeted iphone devs, android devs, and mac devs I think. It's spreading, anyway. And they're suing for using apple + google's APIs for in-app purchase, or in the case of macrosolve, "a form delivered to a device over the network". Or a web form, as it's commonly known. Which was patented in 2003! Maybe nobody at the US patent office had used the internet in 2003?
They're suing the small companies, because to fight back you must go to court, which will cost minimum $50k. In other words, you'll fuck your business trying to fight it, and if you don't fight it they'll fuck your business up and take the money.
So far they've targeted iphone devs, android devs, and mac devs I think. It's spreading, anyway. And they're suing for using apple + google's APIs for in-app purchase, or in the case of macrosolve, "a form delivered to a device over the network". Or a web form, as it's commonly known. Which was patented in 2003! Maybe nobody at the US patent office had used the internet in 2003?

I have those moments every day when I look at our source code... "Fuckfuckfuck! WTF were they smoking?!"
Two words: National Post.
I mean, National Post Office. So, three words.
Tax returns. Paperwork in general.
Oh! Oh! Fucking Disney channel high school shows teaching new generations how to think about nothing but superficial shit, make your every emotional expression artificial, and behave irrationally in a desperate attempt to be funny every five seconds with a failure rate of 100%... ship'em all to Siberia where noone can see their facial expressions as they writhe in the agony of "Like, this is not fun!"
Hipsters. To counter them, I nowadays only listen to mainstream music and watch mainstream movies!
I still don't get what hipsters are. Tell me, in full on rant style please :)
(that link is for psonice)
i lold
Miley Fucking Cyrus. For having a fantasy show where she's a bratty teen and then a bratty teen superstar. For trying to teach my daughters all the wrong things about how to behave like a normal human being and not have a healthy attitude towards themselves. Never watch your shows and will never see a cent of our money for your merchandise. For being "Achey Breaky Heart" guys vapid, nepotistic daughter. For turning out to be just another white trash American teen tramp. & finally for believing the hype and not being able to see yourself as just another "product" in the Hollywood Money Making Machine.
De-evolve quickly into a puddle of mud and take you fuckwit family with you.

Well said Photon.
Miley Fucking Cyrus. For having a fantasy show where she's a bratty teen and then a bratty teen superstar. For trying to teach my daughters all the wrong things about how to behave like a normal human being and not have a healthy attitude towards themselves. Never watch your shows and will never see a cent of our money for your merchandise. For being "Achey Breaky Heart" guys vapid, nepotistic daughter. For turning out to be just another white trash American teen tramp. & finally for believing the hype and not being able to see yourself as just another "product" in the Hollywood Money Making Machine.
De-evolve quickly into a puddle of mud and take you fuckwit family with you.

Well said Photon.
phoenix: funny, but i still have no idea :D
^ I would suggest someone who thinks they're cool because of how they dress and their affectations but are actually waste-of-breathing-space douchebags. Think art college Gen Y's who think they are grown up enough to 'hang' at cafes rather than seedy student bars.
Ah, thanks. I know the type. Products of a disney channel childhood. If we can link disney to tax returns, I reckon we have ourselves a lynching, do the world a favour.
Oh! Oh! Fucking Disney channel for implanting a princess mentality into pre-teen girls and GI-Joe hero "We'll never be safe unless there's a lone-star hero" programme into little boys' minds.
And why the FUCK do the leading characters in Disney movies (from Bambi to goddamn Tron Legacy) NEVER have a living mother or have to witness the horrible death of her mother as vital part to begin the plot with ?
I'm sure there's nothing to be bloody concerned about.
And what about Walt Fuckin' Disney's early works of the 1920s-30s that show an abominable display of rascism and latend pedophilia ?
Well, it's just a cartoon ... right.
Big up to all other Disney ranters.
And why the FUCK do the leading characters in Disney movies (from Bambi to goddamn Tron Legacy) NEVER have a living mother or have to witness the horrible death of her mother as vital part to begin the plot with ?
I'm sure there's nothing to be bloody concerned about.
And what about Walt Fuckin' Disney's early works of the 1920s-30s that show an abominable display of rascism and latend pedophilia ?
Well, it's just a cartoon ... right.
Big up to all other Disney ranters.
But you know that Tezuka was highly inspired and influenced by Disney's works?
Also: Duke Nukem Forever. Fuck you, George Broussard and fuck you, Randy Pitchford, both of you killed the cult franchise. One first one decided to improve game for more than ten years, by adding more and more "next-gen" features and remodelling the gameplay three times, each time along with new trend in gaming. Second, decided to buy the unfinished mess that was DNF since 2008, slap everything together, overhype everything, lie countless times about every important aspect of the game, bust the gamers with ridicoulus demo access policy, and in the final - deliver a mediocre, scripted, lifeless effort of a game, which plays like bad parody of Halo 2 and Doom 3. Duke3d community made over the years much better things (EDuke32, HRP, DukePlus, hundreds of levels and mods) than your professional teams together. Hope the karma will bite your assess off.
Also: Duke Nukem Forever. Fuck you, George Broussard and fuck you, Randy Pitchford, both of you killed the cult franchise. One first one decided to improve game for more than ten years, by adding more and more "next-gen" features and remodelling the gameplay three times, each time along with new trend in gaming. Second, decided to buy the unfinished mess that was DNF since 2008, slap everything together, overhype everything, lie countless times about every important aspect of the game, bust the gamers with ridicoulus demo access policy, and in the final - deliver a mediocre, scripted, lifeless effort of a game, which plays like bad parody of Halo 2 and Doom 3. Duke3d community made over the years much better things (EDuke32, HRP, DukePlus, hundreds of levels and mods) than your professional teams together. Hope the karma will bite your assess off.
somebody is obviously mad over something that got more and more predictable every year :D
But, guys, being a dickhead's cool.
You keep telling yourself that Ferris :-P