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www.chiptune.com vs chiptunes.back2roots.org

category: general [glöplog]
please watch the new "chiptune archive completely updated" on orange juice and read the last line:

"Just to remember you who's got the crown in chiptune music archiving. We accept no imitations! We're the world's number one!"





when melcom start his site in 1999 i sent a mail to him
to ask for some coop between his site and mine, but he never reply and start to say bullshit like the one i paste above...
well... if i remember well, i never wrote on my site or on a news "i'm the world number 1",etc...
also i started chiptune.com BEFORE melcom's site...
perhaps he hate me because i never put online his chiptune...

of course REAL chiptune lovers knows which site is the good one (i allready received mail from 4mat/Anarchy, TDK/Melon., Doh/Cryptoburners, JOZ/TRSI, and lots of 31337 musicians...)

please tell me what do you think of that.

good day to you and don't forget 0CC for ever! ^_^
added on the 2004-08-05 13:08:12 by rez rez
chiptune.com owns the crown :)
added on the 2004-08-05 13:09:46 by el mal el mal
r3z, we love you :)
added on the 2004-08-05 13:11:22 by thorsten thorsten
rezpect to chiptune.com
i didn't even know one can get a crown for just archiving chiptunes. and if it would be possible, i should get it, because i got cdrs full of em. =)

anyway, no doubt that chiptune.com is the better one (mainly because it got style and it's based on selections).
added on the 2004-08-05 13:25:07 by dalezr dalezr
i forget in my 31337 chiptune.com's friendly users:
Dalezy ;))
and also WOTW, Pink/Abyss, Radix/TPOLM, Jogeir/FLT^VD, Loonie, Hunz, Zalza, Jeff/Crest, Maktone/Class, and lots of i forgot...
added on the 2004-08-05 13:44:29 by rez rez
I don`t know who got the most chiptunes or whatever, but what is certain for me is that chiptune.com looks much better and has that oldskool flavour...
added on the 2004-08-05 13:52:40 by Zplex Zplex
rez, btw. why did that melcom-news-entry offend you? I've never used his website for chiptunes, i once used it to find amigademos...
rez, we love you =)
added on the 2004-08-05 14:35:37 by Nezbie Nezbie
Actually, both archives are lacking a lot of great tunes, it's just that chiptune.com is way better designed. Both also host sid tunes which is probably somewhat redundant because of hvsc. Also, it's fun to see that chiptune.de has a lot of tunes that are everything but chiptunes. Too bad those sites are not willing to join forces (maybe the contact mail just got lost in the first place...?).

The biggest fraud of them all is of course that my tunes are missing, shame on you. :D (ok, I've released hardly any, most of it is rotting in my 'old, mostly unreleased xm stuff' archive on one of my hds)
added on the 2004-08-05 14:39:42 by tomaes tomaes
I did never visit chiptune.de, only chiptune.com instead (it's the one and only xD)
chiptunes all sound alike anyway. boooooring. oh and they loop like all the time, which sucks with playlists.
added on the 2004-08-05 19:46:33 by skrebbel skrebbel
i have never seen the other site so i dont know anything to comment about it but a tip to rez in the middle of this asslicking thats going on in here is that maybe you should bring someone more into the crew wich decides what songs to be listed on your page because chiptune.com is for me not a chiparchive but a what rez like archive.

it feels really mainstream chip

otherwise its a real good page so please dont get ofended by this comment i think you are doing a great work but the style of chippies on chiptune.Com is real thin.

peace and greetings from the french southcoast!
ok after watching the other site i wounder what that clown is yelling about heheh
dubmood: feel free to contact me, and we will discuss about a possible coop for song selection :)
(others chiptune specialist can mail about that !)
added on the 2004-08-06 12:32:42 by rez rez
ok that will the the first thing ill do when i get back home from france then =)
none of them have t_hhcor.it. So both ones are shit ^^
added on the 2004-08-06 16:12:53 by mrdoob mrdoob
trace: don't you know gabber should last at least 10 minutes? or else, how are we supposed to get into it?
added on the 2004-08-06 16:36:44 by psonice psonice


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