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Transportation for bicycle from Vihti to Asm desperately needed

category: general [glöplog]
Long story short: one (1) broken bicycle is currently located at the MFX + Kewlers party place and needs to be transported to Pasila some time before or during the weekend.

Gas money and reasonable compensation for your worries will be provided, of course.

Contact here or jari.kemppi@bit.spt.fi
added on the 2004-08-02 16:49:23 by jobe jobe
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added on the 2004-08-03 13:18:02 by havoc havoc
hehe. nice!
petits cons
jobe: if you ask nicely dead meat/mfx might cut it into nice small pieces with the chainsaw and bring those to boozembly ;-)
added on the 2004-08-04 11:02:43 by uncle-x uncle-x


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