Drunken ramblings
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Currently in the process of having a party in the back garden. Sruprisingly this is pretty coherent for me and being drunk. Currently people are complaining about my music, i pride my myself on my music collection, i have no mainstream "cough" shite in my collection. Everyone requires mainstream shite to make them happy, is that really what people have been lead to believe?! Listing to our generic shite and your life will be happy?!

Chug down a couple for me 8bit. ;D
you are amazing.
Ringo, I'd deffo love to get over to aussie to have a have a few mate :D
what's your non-mainstream music?
As much as I dislike mainstream music as well, there's a lot of shit around in the alternative department as well ... also personal tastes differ.
As much as I dislike mainstream music as well, there's a lot of shit around in the alternative department as well ... also personal tastes differ.
that is very true, but around this particular area, the music tastes are somewhat limited. I remember some fellah driving his car around with his windows downs listening to country music, wich was kinda disturbing to me..... I do realsie that music tastes vary wildly.
Even if both my passports were still current & I was filthy rich - I can't see me getting a leave pass @ this stage. For now it'll just have to be virtual piss-heads.
furry snuff :D
what is 'mainstream'? it's a matter of perspective!...
Anyway!... If they want "fast food" serve "fast food". ;)
Anyway!... If they want "fast food" serve "fast food". ;)
I unfortunately don't serve the stuff. XD
I know what you mean. I wouldn't either. muhaha. :D
*checked and cleared*
*checked and cleared*
Brits say being drunk abroad is national trait
Note the chavvy person pictured! ;P