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category: offtopic [glöplog]
kb: His problem is that he doesn't just assume things without checking, Dubbie also constantly projects everything that is being discussed on himself, his own environment and irrelevant shit that was a hot topic 6 or perhaps even more years ago ;)

added on the 2011-04-05 00:35:53 by superplek superplek
oh no wait, i believe the latest wolfenstein game i played was supplied by razor. good times, i wrote.
added on the 2011-04-05 00:37:19 by superplek superplek
damn, I lost some hours of useful coding time with that funny thread :D
added on the 2011-04-05 00:46:48 by rez rez
superplek: and Quake 1 too!
added on the 2011-04-05 00:47:41 by rez rez
damn how could I fail to turn this into a complete flame and trollwar. I must be getting old and loosing the edge. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
The judges call it: 100-90, Punqtured.
The winner by awesome youtube linking: Punqtured!
added on the 2011-04-05 01:31:56 by phobium phobium
Remember: not every game downloaded is à missed sale in à store ;) btw this thread needs to be nominated for best thread of 2011 in NeXT years pouet awards ;)
added on the 2011-04-05 04:38:57 by magic magic
I'm not in the warez scene, but I think there are some fundamental misunderstandings going on here. So, for kb and plek and the others who think this is OMGLOLHYPOCRISY:

"Stealing" as in spreading others' work without permission has never been considered wrong in the warez scene. Sure, it might piss some people off, but it's never been considered lame in general.

"Stealing" as in taking other people's work, modifying it, and relabeling it as your own/distributing it without proper credits on the other hand, has always been considered lame. Especially if done for profit.

In Sweden we separate copyright law into intellectual rights and distribution rights. The first case is and example of a violation of the latter, and the second case is an example of a violation of the former. These two crimes are morally incommensurable.
added on the 2011-04-05 07:47:53 by Radiant Radiant
s/is and/is an/
added on the 2011-04-05 07:49:16 by Radiant Radiant
Now how many times do I have to, explicitly, state that I am without my own opinion on this matter in order NOT to be pulled to one of the "sides"? :)

Sigh, assumptions assumptions assumptions. You'd all be great programmers.
added on the 2011-04-05 08:30:49 by superplek superplek
Boohooo someone uses my logo i did for a warez group without permission, boohoo.

lol+1 :)
added on the 2011-04-03 12:48:32 by superplek

thats were you picked sides
Laughing is picking sides? What happens if the other side makes a joke and he laughs, does he switch sides?

And yeah, complaining about somebody warezing a warez group logo is all kinds of funny.
added on the 2011-04-05 11:49:18 by psonice psonice
can you define warez then pls, seems to be some missconception here.
can we move on now instead?

thank you everybody, this was all great: nice drama queens, nice attention whoring attempts, nice trollings etc; see you!
This thread is in need of MOAR ORANGE BPS LOGO.
I see that psonice already said what I wanted to. Once again you are trapped within the magic spell of premature assumptions.

Please, do everyone a twofold of favors:
A) Stop drinking *and* posting at night, it dillutes your posts and, more importantly, the point you want to make and takes your spelling down another notch. Takes one to know one, sure, but the art is to one day learn the art of regulating yourself. Now if you were sober I guess it's time to really worry, but let us go for the simplest explanation first (Occam's razor).
B) Look up what 'assumption' means and check out how many times you, and not just you by the way, assume things based on either nothing at all or things that wouldn't really hold up in court to say the least.

Over and out!
added on the 2011-04-05 12:07:15 by superplek superplek
And of course this special message was for Dubmood, who is probably just a frustrated sweetheart these days.
added on the 2011-04-05 12:08:08 by superplek superplek
dubmood: I'm using 'warez' in a very loose sense there, as in taking somebody else's work and releasing it as your own. It's what the warez groups do, it's what roy did.

Charging for it makes it lamer than normal. Maybe doing it to your 'friends' as well as big companies is just being a bit more honest than the rest of that scene.
added on the 2011-04-05 12:29:36 by psonice psonice
fuck kb for calling alien a thief!
added on the 2011-04-05 12:30:27 by 4kum4 4kum4
A) Stop drinking *and* posting at night, it dillutes your posts and, more importantly, the point you want to make and takes your spelling down another notch. Takes one to know one, sure, but the art is to one day learn the art of regulating yourself. Now if you were sober I guess it's time to really worry, but let us go for the simplest explanation first (Occam's razor).

Are you really suggesting that I should take pouet-trolling serious all of a sudden? :-s

psonice: whut? warezgroups remove game-credits and say they did the game? uh? whaaa? really? oh fuck I didnt know, thats horrible!

BB Image
added on the 2011-04-05 12:46:30 by psonice psonice
4kum4: Fuck yourself. Throughly and painfully. Because I didn't. Not with a single word. Read plek's post about assumptions again. No wait, LEARN TO FUCKING READ. Really.
added on the 2011-04-05 12:52:18 by kb_ kb_
added on the 2011-04-05 00:10:56 by kb_

Havoc: You didn't get it either. Short version: Thieves think it's ok to steal. So why the noise if a thief steals?

or was your comment offtopic?
added on the 2011-04-05 13:04:26 by 4kum4 4kum4
Reading skill seems to be a major hurdle here :) Or sense of context for that matter.
added on the 2011-04-05 13:06:13 by superplek superplek
PS: do you think dubmood is a thief? do you think ppl involved in cracktromaking etc. are thieves?
added on the 2011-04-05 13:07:17 by 4kum4 4kum4


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