Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]


Dame Edna by Ivan Lovat
That's luverley possum. ;)


Fat safety bonuses for Gulf spill execs.
Made me a tad cranky.
damn, why those stupid americans don't shoot those assholes? they have the guns, they kill thousands of people each year. why not the right ones?
[rant]Now this 1, this really gave me the shits - the missus even had to ask me to calm down.

Wheelchair-bound protester hit with capsicum spray.
Now to my mind - if you are breaking the law (no matter whether you agree with the sentiments of the protesters or not) and the police pepper-spray you, shut up & cop it sweet.
You can't illegally chain yourself to a fence, get pepper-sprayed then go on about "But I was in an wheelchair & I'm going to talk to a lawyer the way the police treated me".
That guy can go fucking fuck right fucking off. A lot of my former clients (I ran a wheel-chair repair business in another life) who excelled @ what they did because they didn't see themselves as 'disabled' probably wouldn't even take the time or effort to spit on him.[/rant]

Wheelchair-bound protester hit with capsicum spray.
Now to my mind - if you are breaking the law (no matter whether you agree with the sentiments of the protesters or not) and the police pepper-spray you, shut up & cop it sweet.
You can't illegally chain yourself to a fence, get pepper-sprayed then go on about "But I was in an wheelchair & I'm going to talk to a lawyer the way the police treated me".
That guy can go fucking fuck right fucking off. A lot of my former clients (I ran a wheel-chair repair business in another life) who excelled @ what they did because they didn't see themselves as 'disabled' probably wouldn't even take the time or effort to spit on him.[/rant]
Btw, it's really nice to agree with you occasionally cros. Occasionally.
ringo: regarding that wheelchair dude:
The story is pretty short. If he fighted the police, and continued to even after he got sprayed they had "no choice", but if he sat still and didn't prevent their work, the cops are to blame.
The story is pretty short. If he fighted the police, and continued to even after he got sprayed they had "no choice", but if he sat still and didn't prevent their work, the cops are to blame.
The cops were trying to save him from injury as well -
"Had the police not removed him from there immediately, and he'd been tipped from his wheelchair, he would have been garrotted on his own bike chain," he said.
Suddenly, a pic... ;)