this just in: Farbrausch disbanded, kb goes solo!
category: general [glöplog]
april's fool!
Maali did most of the 3d in the next flt demo.
Capped.TV will now stream 100% perfect HuffYUV compression
pouet have recruited adok as a forum moderator
BITS wins Public Choice - awards
REVISION has been renamed to KRAUTFEST!
Revision is actually starting today.
I'm a puritan
gargaj is pregnant!
april's fool jokes are funny
pout needs bailout!
The scene is alive!
With the sound of music!
I will Not buy sake in the Narita airport to bring it to Revision.
An englishman, an irishman and a scotsman went into a bar and the bartender asked: "is this some kind of a joke ?"
Ah, those awesome "5 different sakes for ¥500" offers :D I ended up drinking 15 of them in an hour last time, due to my wife not liking it and a friend we met buying me a ticket in advance :/
? how can you buy a "sake"?
ffs, with money
There is a womans in the demoscene!
She has a twitter client on the C64!!
She has a twitter client on the C64!!
Magic will be the VIP presenter for best demo on an oldschool platform at the awards!