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Females in the demoscene?

category: residue [glöplog]
I think the demoscene is probably one of, if not THE most male-only nerd-hobbies out there. Unfortunately.
added on the 2011-03-27 11:44:57 by Sdw Sdw

Also, who the put me down as an assembly organizer? :(
added on the 2011-03-27 11:47:28 by leijaa leijaa
There should have been a swear word in the last post, but I guess the random Jesus erased it..
added on the 2011-03-27 11:48:00 by leijaa leijaa
I think the demoscene is probably one of, if not THE most male-only nerd-hobbies out there. Unfortunately.
I heard the CCC had a lower male:female ratio than tUM, which was taking place at the same time. Just so you know. :P
leia: dubmood should change it into 'drinking beer'!!!!111
added on the 2011-03-27 13:45:57 by el mal el mal
as a Warhammer 40k Tabletop player I can safely say, that the demoscene is not the most malecentric hobby out there :)
added on the 2011-03-27 13:50:27 by nic0 nic0
http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Demoscene says one of the demoscene specific terms is "mystery zone". I seriously have no idea what that is, and I'm not sure if I want to find out.
added on the 2011-03-27 13:52:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
The same goes for "boobietracker".
added on the 2011-03-27 13:53:24 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2011-03-27 13:55:54 by el mal el mal
Random Jezus, bringing decency back to Pouet!
added on the 2011-03-27 13:59:49 by trc_wm trc_wm
Gargaj I think the mystery zone refers to the few individuals, whose genders are uncertain, creating a certain air of sexual mystery around them. Do I ask them what group they are in and whether they like superbowl, thus presuming they are male? Do I grab their ass? It COULD be a man, and thus not be something for me... on the other hand, I might gain some kind of first-mover advantage if it really IS a female. Mystery abounds in the demoscene!
added on the 2011-03-27 15:54:06 by nic0 nic0
@Gargaj I think I got that from someone mentioning it on the demo-ish words thread
added on the 2011-03-27 16:28:47 by sigflup sigflup
The term mystery zone refers to a zone in the breakpoint party area hall - it's said that in this zone mysterious things happened.
added on the 2011-03-27 16:40:21 by las las
mysterious indeed!
added on the 2011-03-27 16:46:28 by Puryx Puryx
when kebby wears bermuda shorts
added on the 2011-03-27 17:09:47 by el mal el mal
Keeping women out is, among other things, a sanity measure.

Today's women have a tendency to ruin things and make everything unpleasant.

Until some actually suitable (=peaceful) female candidates appear on our doorstep and beg that we let them in, I say...: Let's just keep them bitches out and continue enjoying ourselves.
added on the 2011-03-27 17:32:28 by vibrator vibrator
Keeping idiots out should get some more priority in the next time I guess…
The "mystery zone" was Breakpoint's grandstand where for very, very mysterious reasons organizers just weren't able to see or smell cigarettes. Extremely mysterious.
added on the 2011-03-27 17:54:24 by kb_ kb_
Not even their own?
Not even their own. You can imagine that made life somewhat complicated for the smokers among the orgas :)
added on the 2011-03-27 18:09:31 by kb_ kb_
Very mysterious. Did you call Aiman Abdulla to clear the case?
It's misspelled and it's actually "Mystery 'zone" which was a calzone pizza you could order at Breakpoint that had random ingredients and you'd never know what you'd get!

Also, fuck this thread.
added on the 2011-03-27 21:51:50 by okkie okkie
I think cros is on his rags.
added on the 2011-03-27 21:57:02 by ringofyre ringofyre
On Revision 2011 visitors list, I instantly recognize names at least 14 female sceners!

Also, since when has having boobs given you anything else than trouble in the demoscene?
added on the 2011-03-27 22:43:06 by jenni jenni
i have boobs and that's been no issues.
added on the 2011-03-27 22:54:07 by skrebbel skrebbel


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