Sick dutch fucks!
category: residue [glöplog]

This pleases me more than anyone can imagine. Notice that everyone dancing are actually dutch. Good times! :)
go ile go! :D
yay! for ile's wicked polka moves!
i just love the commercial poster behind the big screen.
... ile is great but i never saw okkie this gay before :)
and a great commercial for irvin too :)
and a great commercial for irvin too :)
it's a shame that the other 18 delegates of the Netherlands weren't on stage though ;)
however, you're on the money there leia, I think this was a good commerical ;)
sorry, i was coding HYPNOGLOW!
shifter: hehe. I lost by one point! what a coincidence. :D
This was partially a joketune, but I really wanted to try make a really bassy tune too. Like I've mentioned earlier -- I'm a bass addict. I can't help it.
This was partially a joketune, but I really wanted to try make a really bassy tune too. Like I've mentioned earlier -- I'm a bass addict. I can't help it.
an orgo has recorded a movie of this
I smell a music video coming up!
... ile is great but i never saw okkie this gay before :)

it's not okkie, it's scene event that does it!
wow, what a young, handsome, and especially *slim* young man!
"the gay boy next door" /plek/
Hahaaa ;)
I wouldn't mind seeing the movie one of the orgo's made !..
It's called the Clownzdans...
I wouldn't mind seeing the movie one of the orgo's made !..
yay! for ile's wicked polka moves!
It's called the Clownzdans...
okkie: damn.. you won :)
I'm the green guy.. ;)
no, the OTHER green guy...
that gayish guy looks indeed like Okkie...
that gayish guy looks indeed like Okkie...
Kusma, the delicious athlete..
oooh. kusma looked nice when he was younger!!