Infinite plane
category: gfx [glöplog]
Given an infinite plane (ax+by+cz+d=0) what's the best way to render it?
That depends. What hardware? What kind of shading? What is the criteria for "best" way to render it? Size? Speed?
with nice old rasterized triangles. what do you mean by shading? the geometry won't change :P
and for speed.
and for speed.
By shading I mean stuff like texture, color, etc. I mean, if you just want to render a solid color plane on a black background, just find out where the horizon (if there is any) is, and then fill the part which is bellow the horizon with white.
I'll just try to intersect a plane with the view frustum or something like that.
The view frustrum is defined by a set of clipping planes itself. I still don't understand what you are trying to do.
gridexpander works with render using quads, fast way imho. just interpolate the corners of each quad in your rasterfiller using fixedpoint math.
and use those quads as 8x8, 16x16 or 32x32 depending on how accurate you want the resolution to be.
sampling even.
xernobyl is right. Clip your plane against all frustrum planes, and you'll get one polygon to render. Simple as that.
Just use raymarching ;D
rayamarcha ias tha answar to everathang!!
just a 2D gradient? certainly if it's the first thing you draw on the screen.
you can use that as a lookup table for the texture, and it works as a depth buffer as well.
you can use that as a lookup table for the texture, and it works as a depth buffer as well.