salmiakki koskenkorva vs. jagermeister
category: general [glöplog]
I will personally know the answer to this very soon, but I'm imagining that Salmiakki is somewhat comparable in flavor to Jagermeister, only smoother.
How many small 100g bags of salmiakkipippurikaramelleja would you need for 1L of vodka?
How many small 100g bags of salmiakkipippurikaramelleja would you need for 1L of vodka?
Salmiakkikossu isn't anything similar to the good old Jaeger. I't more like a salty licorice syrup which gets you drunk and gives you the morning feeling of having been eating dead horses the night before.
Anyway, it rules :)
Rule of thumb (coming from synteesi): You put enough candies until the thing becomes "elastic" ;)
Anyway, it rules :)
Rule of thumb (coming from synteesi): You put enough candies until the thing becomes "elastic" ;)
make sure to create and consume salmiakki under supervision ov thee master ov salmiakki, also known as nosfe. else it won't be the same.
oh no guys! Home made candy booze tend to taste like shite! If you put the bottle with the candy in it in the dish washer the drink does get ready faster ( unless you didn't know ).
The only fun part with licorice booze is that you puke black! :)
The only fun part with licorice booze is that you puke black! :)
1 and a half small bags should be enough..
just put some 3 dozen or so of them in the bottle and wait till they melt (should take 3 or 4 hours, shake alot helps, if it still tastes like vodka wen you taste it, put in a few more..
it should become quite dark brown. dont put in too much or it'll start tasting too sweet. when it does starts to taste sweet (or you're too drunk to tell the diference if its tasting good or bad anymore) stop putting the candy in and keep your guard up for booze robbers.
for more information contact the article from PAiN resident chef here
just put some 3 dozen or so of them in the bottle and wait till they melt (should take 3 or 4 hours, shake alot helps, if it still tastes like vodka wen you taste it, put in a few more..
it should become quite dark brown. dont put in too much or it'll start tasting too sweet. when it does starts to taste sweet (or you're too drunk to tell the diference if its tasting good or bad anymore) stop putting the candy in and keep your guard up for booze robbers.
for more information contact the article from PAiN resident chef here
i guess more then 3 dozens actually.. i never counted really.. you just "know" when it's good to drink :D
find your own threshold line ;) just make sure ther number of "volunteers to help make room for more candy" rapidly diminishes by the time the booze is in perfect consumption state.
find your own threshold line ;) just make sure ther number of "volunteers to help make room for more candy" rapidly diminishes by the time the booze is in perfect consumption state.
My brother makes a different vodka drink, he uses dried cranberries to create what he calls "Cranberry Fusion" haha...
but americans have a weird obsession with cranberries. cranberries taste like shit and is not for humans to eat
I like salmiakki better than jagermeister.
rasmus: shut the fuck up. cranberries rule!
niko has leading
jägermeister is for old grumpy men!
real men drink petrol!
Salmiakki is the best shit ever.
Radman, you haven't had Jaegermeister yet, unless you got some in Canada. And no. Very different.
Cranberries are the B0mB. And they don't make green tabasco in large enough vats.
Anyway, Radman, wait til you are AT the demoparty to make the Salmiakki.
Radman, you haven't had Jaegermeister yet, unless you got some in Canada. And no. Very different.
Cranberries are the B0mB. And they don't make green tabasco in large enough vats.
Anyway, Radman, wait til you are AT the demoparty to make the Salmiakki.
Salmiakki...jäger is for underage people.
Jägermeister überrulez!
Salmiakki is for kids :P
Salmiakki is for kids :P
salmiakki for president
Salmiakki for me at least.
They both taste like shit. Thumbs up for beer!
i, for one, welcome our new salmiakki overlords