Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]

wtf is that? cross-stitched space ship from a shmup?!
It's the "Epoch" from Crono Trigger.
If you look closer it's made from those beads you melt together.
If you look closer it's made from those beads you melt together.
Do beados still get you high if you sniff them when they're hot?
Lol, it's the American verison, "Perlers". And I really wouldn't know. :P

@raina: hi hi, watch me

Amazing that she can stand up! Even if tied to a stick! :O
@harism: I don't want to know how you came to find this pic.

Can't be: a monument for Smash Designs?

See what I mean?

Naum Gabo

sorry for doubble-posting, but just couldn't resist: