keyboards for coders
category: offtopic [glöplog]

You'd expect a keyboard that looks this 1337 to know the difference between hex and binary.
^ So much want. Wait. No numpad?!!!!!!! How the f*ck am I supposed to do my sums with qalculate? My daughter did point out that the tilde keys is in the wrong place which would be annoying when manoeuvring thru your home directories - other than that real purddy.

Keyboard got for less than a $ @ the tip shop. It's even got a scroll-wheel for us south-paws!

Keyboard got for less than a $ @ the tip shop. It's even got a scroll-wheel for us south-paws!
it said for coding. do you code? no.
I should clarify as dum posted before I was finished - comment was aimed @ Luis's post. Yes I do code, just not demos and not here. If you wish to see some of my code I can give you a list of my clients - some of them *may* sell you the source for some of the proggies I've done for them (they get it gratis). Otherwise do feel free not to be such a rude c*nt.
Looks awsome but i bet it dont go *clickity clack clikity clack*
Nope, soft. Unlike my IBM PS2, still, nice to play macro games with, reccomended toy...
what's the point of macro keys? why not just use a, eh, macro? doesn't every IDE have that?
Do you know about any good and currently on sale wireless keyboard/mouse?
I bought one from Aqprox!, but it is very bad, mouse motion is not fluid even with new batteries. I suppose there will be nothing as good as a wired keyboard/mouse, but I need it to be wireless. Thanks
I bought one from Aqprox!, but it is very bad, mouse motion is not fluid even with new batteries. I suppose there will be nothing as good as a wired keyboard/mouse, but I need it to be wireless. Thanks
Always wanted a numeric keypad, but it should be organized logically like this:

Luis, please no comic-sans! :D
since childhood, i always dreamed having one of these recognized on Linux (wouldn't be that hard, i think...)
since childhood, i always dreamed having one of these recognized on Linux (wouldn't be that hard, i think...)
(asking again the maintainers: please add 'delete' and 'edit' buttons on the bbs! :) )

Sun keyboards are also awesome 

the point is that is becoming completelly nonsense using a ms-dos or ms-windows based keyboard, when we are all becoming users of unix-based operating systems - and, why not using a true unix keyboard on our machines? :)
i must not forget there is an awesome keyboard for the ms-windows users as well! ;p 

back to unix, this keyboard looks awesome as well:
- wikipedia tells Space Cadet keyboard were based from this one

what about this one? 

^ I agree with the need for a *nix flavored keyboard nitro.

No numpad, pfftt! (Sry, had to be done.)

Seriously, anyone point me to a *working* 5-pin to usb plug I'd even do "rude" stuff in thanks! Miss the clickety-clack of this keyboard.

No numpad, pfftt! (Sry, had to be done.)

Seriously, anyone point me to a *working* 5-pin to usb plug I'd even do "rude" stuff in thanks! Miss the clickety-clack of this keyboard.
(oops, i got a mail answer from Tom Knight, saying his TK and SpaceCadet keyboards were for Lisp Machines, not for Unix... sorry, people... :| )
another great one were from Sinclair QL
- and Linus Torvalds started coding on one of these! :)

and this one brings me good old memories: