Own up whoever you are.
category: general [glöplog]
* downloads undercult's first album *
* creeps, wonders who on earth he's been talking to *
* creeps, wonders who on earth he's been talking to *
HeLLoWorld: What the hell does the scene's "magic-carrying capabilities" have to do with you growing old?
The scene is dead, and HeLLoWorld killed it.
He just HAD to grow old...
Aaaaand we scared him away! That didn't take long ;)
In my opinion the scene probably carries less magic than it did
Maali will be pleased to hear.
"Growing old is mandatory - growing up is optional" The coolest slogan ever! ;-)
haha i guess im growing old! growing up was never an option.
huh, i meant that i didnt get the same feeling as more than one decade ago. I know more things too, things are less mysterious. But for me, the fact that you see impressive 3D everywhere counts. It was not the same before, it seemed more unique.
Well, that whole raymarching thing that started a year ago was impressive and new. Saying that nothing new comes to the scene anymore is BS.
Well - I'm quite confident that the next "new thing" will be seen in demos before movies/games once they're "discovered". The simple fact that a demo is likely to be less than a year underway, while movies or games are typically more than a year underway.
HeLLoWorld: ever tried to click "Custom" ?
you can have more than 10 ATTs for sure ;)
you can have more than 10 ATTs for sure ;)
the scene probably carries less magic
According to my knowlege, the scene carries only ONE magic at the moment.
And thei're giving all they can to keep it quiet ;D
"they're" ... rather
What's the magic and who's doing it? According to rumors, that is ;-)
Where's Magic and who's doing him? According to rumors, that is ;-)
Democoding in Delphi/Pascal is a little masochistic, if you're going to take a crack at that. It is possible to find a few frameworks out there, but finding libraries (for OpenGL) can be a bitch. There's something called "Jedi-SDL" I think, which helps a little, if you don't mind SDL.
It is called change, it tends to happen :phuh, i meant that i didnt get the same feeling as more than one decade ago. I know more things too, things are less mysterious. But for me, the fact that you see impressive 3D everywhere counts. It was not the same before, it seemed more unique.
Its called grammer, use it.

thread successfully pouetized.
Undercult: Your music is pretty awesome. Looking forward to your future demos! :)
Ey, why don't you jump aboard the c64 and Amiga trains?
Ey, why don't you jump aboard the c64 and Amiga trains?
Hey!! Sorry for the delay, the Man shut down my internets as they needed to 'Do some cables' according to the workman outside.
Thanks for all the great help and resources, and really nice comments! I showed everyone at work a few of my favourite demo's so far and they were blown away, although kept on asking 'what movie is this from'.
Thanks for the music comments! That's all my old stuff on the website, I've got alot of newer stuff up on http://soundcloud.com/undercult. It's a lot more diverse, instead of just industrial, check out gravimeter, Simile and prime defector if you can, as I'm hoping to turn those into demo's using all my leet codin skillz.
As far as programming is going, I've got a short (and terrible) demo almost sorted with werkkzeug just to get the feel of structuring a video/glow. I can imagine Delphi would be hell to demo in (although I might give it a go one day, so thanks for the tips AGL), so I've been learning some opengl and C++ but it's slow going currently, luckily my life was mainly spent playing stone soup dungeon crawl and trying to interviewing neo-nazi's whilst they call me gay, so I've got plenty of time.
@Frost, I would love too, I've still got my old C64 somewhere! Any resources on that?
Thanks for all the great help and resources, and really nice comments! I showed everyone at work a few of my favourite demo's so far and they were blown away, although kept on asking 'what movie is this from'.
Thanks for the music comments! That's all my old stuff on the website, I've got alot of newer stuff up on http://soundcloud.com/undercult. It's a lot more diverse, instead of just industrial, check out gravimeter, Simile and prime defector if you can, as I'm hoping to turn those into demo's using all my leet codin skillz.
As far as programming is going, I've got a short (and terrible) demo almost sorted with werkkzeug just to get the feel of structuring a video/glow. I can imagine Delphi would be hell to demo in (although I might give it a go one day, so thanks for the tips AGL), so I've been learning some opengl and C++ but it's slow going currently, luckily my life was mainly spent playing stone soup dungeon crawl and trying to interviewing neo-nazi's whilst they call me gay, so I've got plenty of time.
@Frost, I would love too, I've still got my old C64 somewhere! Any resources on that?
for c64 stuff try the csdb. Its a database like pouet just for old farts. erm I mean oldschool coding and stuff :p
Also has some nice posts in their bbs.
Also has some nice posts in their bbs.
also you are welcome to join us on IRCnet. Apart from #ukscene #breakpoint and/or #revision may be interesting.