Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Dude, i want to watch this thread with my monk, so please not so arousing pcitures!

Make sure it doesn't splinter.;)
Make sure it doesn't splinter.;)

Nice. Isn't she.
Umm, Dubya, I think crosbow's monk may have a problem with that 1....

Not sure about the silicone content of the last 1.

Not sure about the silicone content of the last 1.

Find the cleavage, front or bottom :-)
Dude please stop posting black girls, i want to watch this thread with adolf hitler.

crosbow: this might be a thread you would wish to view alone. ;)
but i want to share it with my family
Crosbow, some children, a monk & Adolf Hitler walk into a bar and the bartender says "This is a joke isn't it?"

Not to be confused with the "love of my life" of whom crossbow and birkley tend to say it's not a woman...
Guys, get glasses...

dude those women look like agent smith, that'S FREAKY
It's Cameron Diaz, actually :-)

What a dog.
Bored. Day off before Australia Day (pubic holiday anyway) so here we are.

please! i want to watch this with my dentist…
Hey cros - I'm watching this with my m&m supplier!