Random youTube Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Indeed, what's worse is it's a real product, I honestly thought it was a joke at first!
Miss Hannah Minx as ELVIRA
Snuff Box- Quest for the Silver Cowboy Boots
@ WsW - Shits on the Fast Show. Dl or @ least look at the "Boyfriend" bits.
@ WsW - Shits on the Fast Show. Dl or @ least look at the "Boyfriend" bits.
@ringofyre - just loved that Miss Hannah Minx video! very inspiring! ;O
for all people also enjoy Arduino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4X23nguyjs
Now I like John Safran, Music Jamboree & John Safran Vs. God took the piss extremely well. But this - this is a whole other order of magnitude.
John Safran's Race Relations
Michiko reminds me of an ex.gf. She was hot too
John Safran's Race Relations
Michiko reminds me of an ex.gf. She was hot too