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DisorderTracker module conversion?

category: general [glöplog]
Is it possible to convert PDMs and PLMs to something more "playable"? I've tried to look around a bit, but haven't found any conversion utility that can do it. I know Statix' tracker format is quite special, but is it that special?

It's so goddamn annoying having the soundtracks of great Psychic Link demos laying around, and not being able to play them :)
added on the 2002-04-18 14:59:49 by fractalgp fractalgp
I'm pretty sure I've at least seen some of the music in MP3 form - check out Statix's homepage (somewhere around www.bluespoon.com).
added on the 2002-04-18 20:04:25 by phoenix phoenix
okay, is there anywhere a definition of the file format out there ?
added on the 2002-04-18 20:49:50 by rac rac
I was actually able to find a fileformat definition (written by statix himself):


btw; does anyone have a Disorder Tracker 2 which can actually save to S3M? In the version I have (alpha), this feature is disabled. :(
added on the 2002-04-21 23:30:12 by fractalgp fractalgp
added on the 2002-07-23 14:34:55 by gekko gekko


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