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I want to put an end into something. (please read Pouet admins, this is a serious post)

category: general [glöplog]
The best way to help him is to not respond to his posts.

Oh shit, I just did.
added on the 2004-07-07 02:57:03 by tck42 tck42
Oh boys, pack it in now or I'll have to spank you all. On second thoughts, keep it up.
added on the 2004-07-07 03:10:09 by pinkhero pinkhero
added on the 2004-07-07 03:10:16 by pinkhero pinkhero
Optimus needs a job. This would limit his free time and forceably expose him to the "real world."

I mean, the guy's like what, 24? He's never had a job, never had a girlfriend, and still lives with his parents. It's time for Optimus to start living independently.

you want to put "your end into something" you say? start by walking backwards into a room and take it from there.
added on the 2004-07-07 07:23:09 by gloom gloom
Optimus is to my opinion an classic case of an attention whore...
Ok, so he spams the bbs... i don't care, i'll just wont read it ;)

If he want's his account deleted, do that, if that is what he wants..... :')
added on the 2004-07-07 09:00:56 by cerror cerror
thom, i think the fine young lad is a university student.
added on the 2004-07-07 09:13:07 by skrebbel skrebbel
filipe: perhaps a general "account disabled" flag per user would be the best thing. That way we can fulfill Optimus' wish (and also eg. lock out spammers) without having to play ministry of truth - and it's always reversable.

It will be a real pain for Optimus seeing all this and not being able to respond, but that's ok, he asked for it.
added on the 2004-07-07 10:28:50 by kb_ kb_
I am really pissed off now. I knew it that perhaps it wouldn't be possibly. Pitty. I was really in need to try net suicide. Perhaps I still can. Deleting my email accounts (Afteralls, they are all getting a lot of spam). Yesterday, I totally erased my cfemales directory. Erasing the past..

I have to chose another solution. Apologise? Fuck NO!!! I didn't do anything bad concerning what place Pouet is. I am only wondering why am I doing it and then feeling bad? Darkhero would tell me right now to do what I have to do, without caring about the other's reflection. Well, I will think of it..

But now, I will start with the planned chance of a little Pouet terrorism in that bad case I was fearing. I wanted to delete my account! It's not possible :(

Today though, the act attracts me, I guess I'd love to keep my account for..

..for. for... too much to say. I am stuck in a position and want something from you. Like you have stolen my self esteem. You reflect upon my life. Why is this happening? Aren't you the freaks??? Shouldn't we get along together and not feel like the real world? Well,. in fact, I have more self esteem outside in the real world with my friends (and yes, I DO HAVE SOME REAL, some helped me by saying "Those freaks at the online community? Who cares about those?!?!?!"). I hate you! Sorry :(

p.s. More to come in the future. Now, let the tromocracy begin!!!
added on the 2004-07-07 10:46:31 by Optimus Optimus
kebby: i can just toggle the unverified flag. but i mean, whats the point? he'll just create a new account anyways.. even if it'll take more work.. i guess i have to block his account anyways, thats clearly what he wants anyways..

optimus: you're just loosing the little respect ppl still had from you, and not gaining anything while at it. go take a cold shower or a walk on the beach or something.
what does becoming a troll instead of a clueless nerd have to offer? you'll just be more hated by everyone, sure you'll be more popular, but do you really want this kind of popularity? please do yourself a favor and listen to uncle-x and ithaqua. get a life and stfu. just like all the rest of us do. grow up and take some damn responsibility for your innane acts of immature irresponsability.
added on the 2004-07-07 12:04:59 by psenough psenough
disabled all 3 of his accounts. although i bet he has another one already..
added on the 2004-07-07 12:15:44 by psenough psenough
optimus is dead! hurray!!!!!

lets see how long this lasts... :)
added on the 2004-07-07 12:20:36 by okkie okkie
"unverified flag"???
you mean
all these fake accounts are actually VERIFIED?
added on the 2004-07-07 12:35:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
What is his third account? Pinkhero does not sound a lot like optimus..
added on the 2004-07-07 13:44:52 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
"Those freaks at the online community? Who cares about those?!?!?!"

Sounds like good advice! It's all very well us saying get a life or get a girlfriend, but I reckon half the scene has neither.
gargaj: yeh, email verification.. although i think its been temporarily disabled couz there were some problems with sending the verification emails out or something. which explains why pinkhero was promptly labelled as verified while having a microsoft.com email. complain to scene.org's rich newmedia bastard staff member for a bugfix on that ;)
added on the 2004-07-07 15:42:43 by psenough psenough
Yesterday, I totally erased my cfemales directory. Erasing the past..

you could have given it to me FIRST! :(
added on the 2004-07-07 17:43:18 by el mal el mal
I would really like to see a mob-rule type of moderation system implemented on Pouet, ala Slashdot moderation (and meta-moderation). This would help alleviate the trolling-for-fame problem to a good degree.
added on the 2004-07-07 17:48:16 by radman1 radman1
added on the 2004-07-07 17:53:15 by sagacity sagacity
lol @ sag
added on the 2004-07-07 18:18:56 by psenough psenough
No, the fundamental flaw in slashdot is that it is centered around single truth. It doesn't exactly promote diversity. While it certainly isn't popular opinion I'd expect that some small minority of you would hate to see everything by FAG modded +5 and everyone disagreeing with that metamodded down to the lowest level of hell, the femalebolge.
added on the 2004-07-07 19:54:51 by 216 216
i agree with jarno

plus i dont really see the usefullness in labelling something when it's entirely subjective and ppl are gonna have to check it anyways to figure out what its really about..
if seeing the poster/thread starter nick doesnt warn yah by now, its not gonna be a label saying "david hasselhof compliant" +5 thats gonna scare you away from clicking. :P
added on the 2004-07-07 20:01:21 by psenough psenough
Optimus: being a freak is the one thing and it's okay. Being able to cope with work/studies, paying one's bills and not losing touch with real life completely is the other side.
I feel that pouet is important to you because you were seeking for some kind of geek community perhaps replacing what you never had in real life. Well pouet is not what you're really looking for on the long run. Perhaps you should start going out a bit more often and NOT booze youself to senselessnes but approach people. Just leave your account as it is, don't sped all your time online and try to find your balance. If you think about it, there's really nothing to gain from spamming the BBS all day long. Get away from it and save yourself as a bonus.
added on the 2004-07-07 21:19:37 by Paralax Paralax
Optimus: It certainly has an aleviation of purity for concernisism, when the lot agrivate the notion of obscurity. Furthermore, the bolsterous achievement of susceptible indication, nefariously elevates the fission into legendary proportions.

However, resourceful fungi will always portray metahumanistic paradoxes, marking for the time being and the eras following, a significant merit. Concurrently, actions of nullification and musculoskelletal disorders can only be percieved as guidelines to meritful spooning.

Ergo, the turtle's fur is liquid in substance.

Consider the above as a meaningful pile of wasted words and efforts, this whole message as my first and last reply to any of your trolling, and yourself a permanent member of my ignore list.

We will not "bring" you anymore, much to tomcat's relief..
added on the 2004-07-07 21:41:36 by aMUSiC aMUSiC
uuuh, what was that all about? :P
added on the 2004-07-07 22:04:44 by el mal el mal


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