Last person to ever post in this thread wins!
category: residue [glöplog]
Topic starter is not always topic finisher. Nice try though, xeron :)
Have I won yet?
I won.
I won.
I think not!
F*cking amateurs.

oops. I meant to show this:

Veni Vidi Vici
Et tu WsW?
Si Brute!
The chans are thataway ===>
Gah!!! I can't believe I won again!!!!! YAY!!
Not so fast there young 'un.

Oh c'mon, I mean really!
I've Won.
I'm shure i did!
I'm shure i did!
I wouldn't be so shure.
Shirley I've won by now.
My votes go to Ring o' Fire :-)
Why thank you WsW. I appreciate that.