TRSAC 2010 - 22nd - 24th October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
dwarf: jeg har også før haft bundfald i min snaps. Jeg tænker at det kommer fra støvet i blomsterne som er svært at filtrere fra. Du kan vel evt. filtrere igen.
plaf: you slept in both 2008 and 2009 :)
There are proof pictures which I don't have the time to find right now :)
plaf: you slept in both 2008 and 2009 :)
There are proof pictures which I don't have the time to find right now :)
in 2009 you got tackled into a cable which broke! Or so i'm told.
well.. yes okay I guess =) I did fall asleep dead drunk in the toilets in 2008, but I woke up in time for the gfx compos! :)
nico: I got tackled onto my ass by some swedish apafjäs!!
nico: I got tackled onto my ass by some swedish apafjäs!!
I do have a slight memory of the democrew at trsac08 being drunk .. A LOT .. and one part even fell asleep on the table before the compos ..
I've only attended TRSAC once before and that was in 2008 but I can confirm that the orga drunkenness that year was _legendary_ ;D. Not many orgas have the balls to get that flat out rowdy at their own party ;). Right ;D? I especially enjoyed the spontaneous percussion ensemble performance that Farfar (if I remember correctly) and others did right by the kitchen, using various utensils, silverware, kitchenware and other stuff that they could get their hands on. Surreal is only half of it ;).
elfan: "Sorry, could you just pass me that fork right over there... "
Drunken people: *Tinkering and hammering knives and forks on cups and glasses and gravy boats, really getting into the groove*
elfan: "... No? Sorry, I don't want to interrupt your little concert that you've got going but I could really need*... Oh, never mind!"
Drunken people: *Tinkering and hammering knives and forks on cups and glasses and gravy boats, really getting into the groove*
elfan: "... No? Sorry, I don't want to interrupt your little concert that you've got going but I could really need*... Oh, never mind!"
Not many orgas have the balls to get that flat out rowdy at their own party ;)
That would apply for the MaWi-Orga staff of the Symphony 2004 !
we don't have balls, we have SCHNAPPS and MAGIC MAN!
Elfan .. that sounds a lot like TRSAC'08 :)
we don't have balls, we have SCHNAPPS and MAGIC MAN!
Not many orgas have the SCHNAPPS and MAGIC MAN to get that flat out rowdy at their own party ;).
elfan: sorry, we honestly didn't hear you :)

Right, looking at getting train tickets now, it's working out just under 1000kr for myself and Zyps to get there by train, from Odense, which is just insane. Is there anyone going from/through Odense that wants to fill 2 spare seats in a car?
Schnapps me up!
before you gogo?
Any news regarding the stream?
it'll be up on friday and the url will be posted here, on and in the #trsac irc-channel on ircnet.
Du er sgudda bare en skattebasse, Heine :-D
Ja helt ærligt :D
Code for 4k done. Just content missing now. ;)
And it's only 3k so far! :-D
And it's only 3k so far! :-D
Content is SO overrated :)
Imaginært indhold - interessant koncept, Aske
just got the projector set up here in the office and did a test showing of the popular demo, it's looking quite good.