Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
"It's something warm that you can shove your hand into"
"'ere luv, me 'ands are cold. Can I stick 'em in yer muff?"

Also, random:

lol, thanks kb. :P
'ere luv, can I rub me face on yer carpet?

Yes, yes, yes. No wait...nvm. Actually yes I will stay & watch.
Non-random & badly done I know but...

Nothing I prefer than seeing a pretty girl sipping from the furry cup.
Sorry - I'm on a roll here. Anyway wish me luck for my first day on a new McJob.


I'm pretty sure I saw this posted in the old rit but it came up in a search for "No shit Dorothy" which is a quote from a cartoon I watched years ago but can't remember the name!

Skate / Plush and Hydrogen / Glance :)

Cheers hades ;-)

En guard!!!


Frost: LOL!!!!