Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
& a touch jaded maybe?
Oldy but a goody LiraNuna ;)

what is this?! UE3 on the iPhone?!

I take back everything I said about the bbcode ff addon - works a treat now.

@everybody: stanford bunny


lulz @ RROAR

This 1 has always got me. Why? Just to waste paper? & once you've written "This page has been left blank intentionally" bang in the centre of the page isn't the page NO LONGER BLANK?! I had to get to many of these after my mum died and it still irks me. Any legal eagles etc. who can explain to me why this appears at the end of many important documents?
It's because of the two sided printing, it looks better when (if such a multipage document is opened up at page 2 or grater) a chapter starts at the right page. So if one chapter ends at the right page, the next left page is kept blank intentionally.
Furry muff. Odds & evens I get but why @ the end of a legal document? Check anything from share docs, wills/probate, insurance to court docs. They all waste a page @ the end. I'm guessing the printers charge them for that page right?
Surely in these eco-friendly days this practice would be a no-no. Maybe it's the 404 of the printed legal document world. Either way here's a munged random image place holder.
Surely in these eco-friendly days this practice would be a no-no. Maybe it's the 404 of the printed legal document world. Either way here's a munged random image place holder.

Ringo: And here was me thinking that I was the only one that said "furry muff" instead of "fair enough"! :)
Aye but you try to explain what a furry muff is to some people. ;)

Ringo: That's the funniest thing about it. ;)