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Scene.org Awards 2011

category: parties [glöplog]
nic0: I managed to get into Assembly quite intoxicated (and succesfully do studiocompos as well!) without a hitch and Leija just told us the TG security is less strict than Asm.

Same here. In fact, didn't you do that same compo studio when I'd had half that bottle of salmiakki, and I was so pissed that I tried to wear the microphone as an earpiece…?

Ah, good times. Um, I mean "that was foolish and wrong, and I must never do that again".
added on the 2010-09-08 16:02:06 by gasman gasman
Yeah, they checked my bag every time I went inside the Areena and they didn't have ANY trailer with hookers for me, so fame was out of the question!
added on the 2010-09-08 16:02:08 by okkie okkie
gasman: I recall that yeah :D
added on the 2010-09-08 16:02:46 by okkie okkie
Okkie is a pornstar.
I succesfully entered the ASM hall with a bottle of cognac which I voluntarly shown to the security staff.
added on the 2010-09-08 18:12:04 by _-_-__ _-_-__
because it was empty?
added on the 2010-09-08 18:12:59 by SiR SiR
no, the label was in french, so they couldnt read it
added on the 2010-09-08 18:45:38 by havoc havoc
well I wont believe that as I am pretty sure that any Scandinavian will recognize a bottle of alc even if it is labelled in some exotic language ;)
added on the 2010-09-08 18:54:53 by SiR SiR
tpolm mind trick.
added on the 2010-09-08 19:02:59 by Gargaj Gargaj
more like "finesse" you know guys.
this is not the alcohol you are looking for *waves hands*
added on the 2010-09-08 19:40:32 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Fuck alcohol, lets do meth instead. There will be 50 partyprod demos, and 100 Gabber tracks in the compo.
BB Image
added on the 2010-09-09 00:04:41 by tFt tFt
The best way of getting booze into ASM, is having the organizers bring it in for you. Worked fine for us in '06.
added on the 2010-09-09 00:22:46 by kusma kusma
Nono, the best way of getting booze into ASM, is to have it mixed into x bottles of Moomin Soda. Worked fine for us in '02. Remember?
added on the 2010-09-09 07:44:12 by leijaa leijaa
Yeah, you're right. That's the TRUE best way.
added on the 2010-09-09 10:32:32 by kusma kusma
Cognac == class

Ofcourse they let it/you in, getting drunk on a nice cognac or fine whiskey is as stupid as buying a brand new i7 with gfxcards in SLI to play Minesweep.

So get some old cognac bottles and store your minttu in those for ASM'11 ;)

added on the 2010-09-09 10:44:37 by cg_ cg_
Don't let this thread die! Come on people, feed the troll so we can have a laught.

Among all those postings there were some jewels (posted by Sparcus, Okkie, Skrebbel, non-dutch xerxes, …) and some nifty ideas. The Academy Awards have the Razzies, the Noble prize has the Ig Nobel prize, so there should definitely be Okkie Awkwards shortyl before the real scene.org awards. ("And the award for the most BITS moment in 2010 by a non-BITS member goes to …")

When it comes to having alcohol inside at ASM or TG I wonder why people aren't more creative. I have seen fucking big server cases at parties and I could only find 3 different reasons to bring them to a demoparty:
1st – showing off (has this still worked in the last decade?)
2nd – the owner's wallet is pretty much empty and he can't get a decent machine
3rd – it looks like a computer and has lots of space inside

it looks like a computer and has lots of space inside

I think it were some guys in razor who hid their moonshine in a tower case at dreamhack one year. The problem is still that if security thinks you are drunk you must have pantaloons skills in talking/threatening yourself out of any discussion.
added on the 2010-09-19 16:59:47 by hollowman hollowman
The problem is still that if security thinks you are drunk you must have pantaloons skills in talking/threatening yourself out of any discussion.

Having seen his skills in action my self at TG '02, I can only draw this conclusion: Your point is that it's ridiculously simple to talk your way out of it, no?
added on the 2010-09-19 17:38:09 by kusma kusma
I was at TG last year, and they was doing a good job bringing the scene back from the darkness! My first time was in 2009, I couldn't say I even felt the seen. But this year the scene literally made the floor shake with impressing demo's and music! I even contributed with my first ever demo, written in fScript. Thanks to Duckers for that one!

But now, when I'm trying to arrange my own combined party with both sceners and gamers I can't see anyone that says "Hey man! Great idea! I'm really looking forward to this!". I get support, but I can't say I see any sceners that are thinking of participating. Wich actually sadens me, because I want to wake up the youth again, make them think it's fun and not just "nerd" to know how a program runs.

So, I'm really positive to the fact that Scene.org is comming to TG2011. I hope many new will be "recruited". Because, last year I actually think I am the only person who was in the scene for the first time and stayed there...
added on the 2010-09-23 22:15:34 by JoMs JoMs
norway? what?
joms: at least your enthusiasm is nice! do keep it!
now is the moment to post the photo of pantaloon being escorted out from Dreamhack 00(99?) by swedish police.
The Scene.org Awards 2011 Public Choice voting is now open!

Scene.org has now opened the voting for the Public Choice category, where you can vote for your favourite demoscene production of the past year. This year, the Scene.org Awards committee has also made some changes to the voting procedure, giving more power to the public. 

The voting for Public Choice will be done in two rounds - the first round opened today, where you can choose between all of the publicly nominated productions, or add your own favorite! The first voting round will determine which demos will go on to the second and final round. Voting for final round opens on February the 14th, and the final winner will be selected and presented at the award ceremony taking place at The Gathering in Hamar, Norway on Friday the 22nd of April, 2011.

To vote in the Public Choice category, simply go to http://awards.scene.org/, select your favourite demo, and press "Submit vote" at the bottom. A SceneID account is required to verify your vote.
added on the 2011-01-06 09:31:07 by melw melw
added on the 2011-01-06 10:29:38 by rudi rudi


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