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Sundown spirit lives on

category: parties [glöplog]
What other party has a beach?

The quiz will find a new home, the uksceners will find a new venue..

Dotwaffle's got some bad press, but he's come up with a damn good idea. Book out an entire hotel in Brighton and charge £104 entrance fee. He's done the research, and they don't mind about the electricity bill or the late nights.

waaaat? Well it cost me 70 quid to get to this very pretty arsehole of nowhere and another 80 for a bed, so that's pretty cheap. For anyone travelling to sundown from out of the UK, they can probably tell you it's been the most expensive scene trip ever. (pretty though, plus beach).

Oh yeah..

Brighton has a beach..

Waffle.. if you REALLY can do it, then we can help. The UK needs a party!
added on the 2010-09-05 05:05:33 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
i forgot to mention 45 quid supporter ticket.

Plus I spent about 50 quid on quiz props, but that was just my problem. :-)

Fuck.. this whole weekend cost me about 300 quid!
added on the 2010-09-05 05:29:09 by MeteoriK MeteoriK
Dotwaffle's got some bad press

Considering that I always sleep at the party place, £104 is a lot of money for me to have to pay to go to a demo party :-(

(also, i'm skint)
added on the 2010-09-05 08:26:44 by xeron xeron
Carbon: He suggested a uk based breakpoint thread, which was shooting a bit above his level and poorly considered (not in Europe mainland amongst other things).

No doubt he is very passionate about pulling something together though.
added on the 2010-09-05 10:32:49 by rc55 rc55
I'd actually consider going to a UK party in a hotel, since Im a comfortable git.
added on the 2010-09-05 10:35:25 by cg_ cg_
As I apparently have "bad press" (news to me, I wish people would tell me these things!) and suggesting that in the absence of an announced Breakpoint that I would be willing and eager to run a replacement is somehow a faux pas, I thought I'd clear a few things up here:

Breakpoint replacement in the UK was pretty much shunned by everyone - and for good reason. We just can't get large amounts of people to the UK from mainland Europe - a BP replacement needs to be in West Germany somewhere.

There are two ideas for a Sundown replacement currently in the air that I've done research into:

1) Hire out an entire hotel. This hotel has about 80 rooms, and we could hire out the entire thing for a weekend including the conference room for a figure that works out to £105/head. The location is Brighton, which is on the UK South Coast. I've put this out there because I thought people might be getting older and willing to spend more than the absolute bare minimum on a party - have a bit of luxury now that the average age is creeping above 30.

2) Hire out either Nottingham's Harvey Hadden Sports Centre or Loughborough University's New Sports Hall, and run a party for ~150 people, knowing that the venue can expand with us (up to ~BP sizes) over a number of years. This has the added benefit of sleeping being allowed, and cheap accommodation within walking distance.

I'm really up for doing it, and I hope to convey that at 1200 today when I'm planning on grabbing the mic at Sundown and getting people to discuss this. With no Sundown next year, we can't go back to the early 2000s where there were no UK parties. The question is: If I'm so up for it - why aren't you?
added on the 2010-09-05 11:34:05 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
With or without a beach, the UK needs a demoparty. The last two sundowns have been fantastic parties with great atmosphere and I've met very nice people there.

So, wherever the new party will be - I'll try to be there and bring as many germans with me as I possibly can ;)
added on the 2010-09-05 11:42:44 by D.Fox D.Fox
There we go, we already have a plus point for another UK demoparty:

1) Germans

Now, who can make a good go at the Finns? =)
added on the 2010-09-05 11:51:01 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
We might bring gifts!
added on the 2010-09-05 11:52:37 by D.Fox D.Fox
Booking a hotel sounds reallyf riggn nice...I'm not sure if brighton has ryan air flights but if not you should really arrange this is a town that has nearby airports from abroad to attract some visitors...

If one could arrange at least breakfast buffet in the price it would be a no-brainer!
added on the 2010-09-05 11:59:03 by thec thec
You see that, we're getting gifts too! Just wait until you see what Bully's Special Prize is during the prizegiving at Sundown!
added on the 2010-09-05 11:59:25 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
sundown-followup in brighton? get emily howard as party host! =)
added on the 2010-09-05 13:16:05 by dipswitch dipswitch
who's emily howard? get vickey pollard instead! apparently, she already did brighton and is familiar with(in) uk parties. :)
added on the 2010-09-05 14:47:38 by dalezy dalezy
As a German inclined to visit a UK demoparty one day I demand traditional British demoparty entertainment!
added on the 2010-09-05 14:55:04 by kb_ kb_
the hotel thing sounds excellent.

one thing though: is the 105 pound iff all 80 beds are taken? what if 40 people show up? does it cost 210 per person, or does dotwaffle cough up 4k? or can you convince the hotel to share (some of) the risk?

for info: at outline (as a venue this comes somewhat close to a hotel) we would usually make a deal for a minimum amount of guest, i.e. we would guarantee to pay for 60 people, and any over that would be paid per person. i.e. up to 60 people the risk was ours, after that it was the owner's (the place has 100 beds). if you haven't looked into this yet, maybe a similar deal is possible.

and, less importantly, what if 100 people want to come?
added on the 2010-09-05 16:53:12 by skrebbel skrebbel
Brighton is pretty much immovable, I imagine I could wangle it so that we only have to pay for however many turn up (providing it's say 2/3 full) but for more... That's something to consider.

Of course, we're looking at September or October, so if Brighton proves too cold, we can always take up kb's offer of Porky and his disco ;)
added on the 2010-09-05 20:54:55 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
or just put the rest in the hotel next door? :-)

2/3 minimum sounds like a pretty OK deal. i bet plenty sceners would not mind paying up front so that you're kind of safe. one more: is the 105 pounds ONLY the hotel cost, or also facilities? (beamer, PA, whatever rc55 spends his dough on)
added on the 2010-09-05 22:16:47 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel: Function room wouldn't be big enough for >100 people. I guess the thing I need to do is find out what size party I need to aim for, then go get quotes - the Brighton idea is a lot more popular than I thought :)

£105 would be to use their equipment, the manager seemed to reckon the PA was pretty good spec. I'd have to verify that, obviously. I don't think the projector would be up to scratch though, something would have to be done about that.

I get the feeling that maybe pouet isn't the best place to discuss these things!
added on the 2010-09-05 23:01:16 by dotwaffle dotwaffle
As a German inclined to visit a UK demoparty one day I demand traditional British demoparty entertainment!

Derby & Nottingham... and they are both close to East Midlands Airport which has Ryanair flights and other cheap flights to Europe. So it's a potential idea.

Anyway Brighton is really easy to get to from London which increases the amount of cheap flights available.

I'll be interested in either locations. Obviously Nottingham means I don't have far to travel!
I'm with xeron on this, 124.70EUR is a bit much since I never book a hotel during parties. On the other hand I missed last (and previous) sundowns so I shouldn't complain I guess. The idea sounds nice though.
added on the 2010-09-06 03:39:03 by numtek numtek
waffle: i'd bet that their pa is crap, compared to what demoparties normally uses.
Sounds like a pretty good plan to me (the hotel thing that is). I'd be up for that if I have some free time around then.

How would the rooms work though? I'm guessing a lot (probably most) are twin/double rooms - are there 100 rooms, or maybe 60 and we share?

Another good point is the high cost would keep all the communists out of the party :D (Sorry xeron!) (and actually the cost is pretty low for party + room for 2 nights, personally I'm not fussed if i sleep on the floor or in a room but if the party is in the hotel it's perfect)

Maybe set up a visitors site like rc55 had for sundown, where people can sign up 'yes/no/maybe', get an idea of how many are interested?
added on the 2010-09-06 12:27:08 by psonice psonice
Sign me up right away, Sundown 2010 was my first demo party in around 15 years and it was frikin awesome!
added on the 2010-09-06 15:13:04 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
I've been to a party abroad , x95 :) .. and yer if your travelling abroad.. then it's extra money.

near an airport would be nice.. BUT only some budget airlifly to certain airports...e.g. luton etc.

I think euro and uk parties.. do you have sleep in or not.. due to health / safety and also people stealing..

what might be another good venue would be a camp site, with a hall.. I even know one in London near me.. well camp site.. dunno if it has a hall.

I went to VCF recently at Bletchley park... that'd be a nice venue.. but thats in milton keynes.. so not exactly near to anywhere.. but a great venue if it could be arranged.

the problem with say demo / retro things.. there is the north and south divide. e.g. things in blackpool I might be far less interested to go to.


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