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Scene.org Awards 2011

category: parties [glöplog]
I'm sorry, I didn't know about that and it comes as a surprise.

So where are the rows with the computers now. In the last photo all I see is people standing. If that is in the middle of the vikingship then the computer places must have been moved somewhere else?
added on the 2010-09-03 10:01:46 by Navis Navis
What's wrong with Assembly? It would be summer, warm weather and mosquitoes. TG is just so.. Gathering :)
added on the 2010-09-03 10:07:57 by harism harism
Navis: the stage is in that white block in this picture. The "missing rows" are now at the end where the stage used to be. Overall capacity remains roughly the same.

BB Image
added on the 2010-09-03 10:11:59 by gloom gloom
Navis: Details here: http://www.gathering.org/tg10/en/news/197/67/Changed-floorplan/
added on the 2010-09-03 10:12:10 by menace menace
"Oh noes! If there's no booooooze it's not paaaarty!!!!"


Scene != Booze (unless it's Booze Design!)

Grow up people. It IS perfectly possible to spend a weekend without killing brain cells with C2H5OH, it IS possible to talk to people and have fun anyway.

Many sceners seems to be stuck in the adolescent "If I'm not drunk, I'm not having fun" line of thought.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:16:21 by Sdw Sdw
sdw: i think it's more of a "im 30, i dont want to be treated like a pre-teen" line of thought.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:18:54 by smash smash
The whole point with the alcohol ban at TG (and Assembly) is because the event is open to underage people.

That big grown up 30y olds can't cope with that really isn't helping their case of not wanting to be treated as pre-teens.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:22:03 by leijaa leijaa
I have seen my share of drunk sceners at The Party back in the 90'ies. A few beers ect. just to have a bit fun is ok, but sadly there are always someone who knows that they can't control it but drinks anyway.

So yeah in general I agree with Sdw.

Scene != Booze (unless it's Booze Design!)
added on the 2010-09-03 10:24:21 by neptun neptun
Does it matter, though? Who can afford Norwegian booze anyway.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:32:36 by doomdoom doomdoom
So this is the deal in my eyes:

Northern europeans (norwegians, swedes and the finns in particular) travels to parties usually by plane. This isn't the most comfortable, easy or cheapest way. They put a lot of money and effort in the parties they visit, but when it comes to central europeans, they never seem to have the same dedication for parties if they can't go by car, and also, not be that far away.

Of course there is exceptions, but generally, it seems like you (central europeans) just don't want to go to far away for a party, which is sad, since the northern guys really travels a lot for their parties.

I still like Scene.org awards being at TG, since norwegians really know how to manage a scene party (how they do LAN + Scene i don't know), so the breakpoint replacement have to be closer to denmark than bingen or/and have a kick-ass setup for me to go there instead of TG, just fyi.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:33:13 by dwarf dwarf
You should buy your booze when flying to Norway, not a part of the european union and therefore is A LOT cheaper in the airport, so not a problem.
added on the 2010-09-03 10:36:42 by dwarf dwarf
leija: evoke is also open to underage people. their parents just have to fill out a form of consent. isn't smoething like this possible by law in norway?

sdw & others: maybe i've become too german over the years, but having a few beers and watching a demo is an inseparable part of a good scene gettogether. it's not about being drunk.

dwarf: if you mean by "cetnral europeans" people from poland, hungary, czech rep. etc., then it's not about "want / not want", but about being able to afford it!
added on the 2010-09-03 11:00:48 by dipswitch dipswitch
jeg har hørt at scamp har sand i sin vagina!

gloom: you proved them all wrong with the pictures :)
added on the 2010-09-03 11:37:13 by Proteque Proteque
it seems as if the german league of demo sceners is generally against moving events out of their country.

i know of several german and middle european sceners who have been to parties in norther europe. it's not a problem. yes, it's expensive and no, it's not as central as middle germany.

for me, the real problem here is that "some one" is setting up an event and that "some one" got upset that scene.org awards was taken before "some one" made a move.

if "some one" is planning a party in easter, then "some one" should come clean and make it public. if nothing else, just state the intent, i.e. "we plan to have bp replacement in the city of xxx on mmdd-yyyy".

to me it doesn't matter wheter i go to norway or germany for easter.
leija: evoke is also open to underage people. their parents just have to fill out a form of consent.
I think you missed the point. You can't serve alcohol at an event that allows attendees under the age of 18.
added on the 2010-09-03 11:42:49 by gloom gloom

There is no "some one". It was said at Breakpoint that all interested organizers from various countries who'd like to work on creating a new easter event, and that this planning would be done in Summer 2010. It's a massive task, as you can imagine, and it's simply too early for them to setup forward. And it's not like scene.org wouldn't know who to ask, anyway.

And all of this is not related to people including me giving their thoughts on this move here.

And none of this has to do with "the germans", either.

To me personally, this is mostly a matter of ethics. It's a scene event that got bought for a really big number of cash. Like many people in the scene, I have seen the quote that was sent to scene.org - this document leaked massively. The decision on where scene.org awards should be held have clearly not been based on what's good for the scene or sceners, but purely on financial grounds. And you can turn it any way you want, it's very valid to have opinions as a scener on that, no matter what nationality you are or wheter you are involved in organizing demoparties.
added on the 2010-09-03 11:48:18 by scamp scamp
Well, if one is under 15 then you must have a legal guardian around, thats a rule that can't be avoided when alcohol comes into play.

However my idea is to just give the sceners a section of their own to make sure the rest of the hall is of limit for alcohol consumption, stop people under 16 or 18 from entering and stop the most unruly of the belt fighters.

I know that festivals can have similar setups, even with BYO.

Offcourse there is probably a hella lot im missing from the equation, not to mention that the local government has the final say in things.
It would require a massive reorganization on the orgas part, but i remember Menace hinting about some radical changes next easter.

Still, whatever they are up to in accommodating international sceners, its going to be interesting.
added on the 2010-09-03 11:49:19 by Deus Deus
There's a difference between serving and allowing alcohol, though.
added on the 2010-09-03 11:49:41 by doomdoom doomdoom

You can't serve alcohol at an event that allows attendees under the age of 18.

If that's accurate then it must be pretty specific to Norway.
added on the 2010-09-03 12:01:06 by doomdoom doomdoom
doom: Yes, but not in relation to age-limits. If there is alcohol allowed _or_ served, there has to be a lower age-limit of 18. Period. Since TG is open to everyone, there will not be any alcohol allowed inside the main party hall. Period. I echo the sentiments of gasman in this regard.
added on the 2010-09-03 12:02:10 by gloom gloom
Gloom knows me! It's okay!
added on the 2010-09-03 12:05:39 by Hyde Hyde
To me personally, this is mostly a matter of ethics. It's a scene event that got bought for a really big number of cash. Like many people in the scene, I have seen the quote that was sent to scene.org - this document leaked massively. The decision on where scene.org awards should be held have clearly not been based on what's good for the scene or sceners, but purely on financial grounds.
Scamp, I strongly suggest that you take it a bit easy with the slander, accusations and speculations. If you have indeed been privy to the proposal from TG, then you must know that what you are saying simply isn't true.
added on the 2010-09-03 12:10:08 by gloom gloom
considering the first post, Ii guess the location of the awards is not open to debate anyway?
added on the 2010-09-03 12:12:53 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
Its possible for 16 year olds to attend events with alcohol as long as they aren't drinking themselves.
added on the 2010-09-03 12:13:58 by Deus Deus
deus: Doesn't matter - there is no lower age-limit at TG, hence no alcohol is allowed. In addition to that, it is branded as a no-alcohol event, again: no alcohol is allowed. I guess what I'm saying is: no alcohol is allowed, and unless the point doesn't come across: there is no alcohol allowed.
added on the 2010-09-03 12:17:21 by gloom gloom


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