Farmest 2010
category: parties [glöplog]
bwahaha... den lå lige til højrebenet! :D
gayward rasmus ...
malodix, sure, just wait with that, i'll help setting it up, and so will the others since they'll be driving with me and following my rules.
malodix, sure, just wait with that, i'll help setting it up, and so will the others since they'll be driving with me and following my rules.
I sense Boonenkamp :)
\o/ ... it's gonna backfire if I stand by the rule once again ;)
.. malodix .. we seem to be lucky

.. malodix .. we seem to be lucky

it's the weather for fyn
for fyn for faen.
bstrrrrrr .. when are you coming? ... not counting on you bailing again
igen?! jeg var da til tarmfest sidste år!
a' mener jo og solskogen din tarmrenser
Rain has stopped. Sun has came out. Projector and big mofo speakers + amp all set up. Psytrance is being blasted loudly. Fridges put on ubercool setting. Beers in fridge. Tables and chairs in place. Network set up (including wireless). My own computer is also now in the barn. Setting up ftp and web server as we speak. I'm at farmfest already, by myself.
The first round of ubercool beers are on me as soon as you come through the door. I'm waiting.
The first round of ubercool beers are on me as soon as you come through the door. I'm waiting.
Damn, should have so been there!
Compusphere, zeffy. DO IT.
hmm if you look at the weather forecast i posted earlier, you can see it has changed significantly, not as much rain today, but the next 4 days instead :(
Damn, that's a huge change. It's a little chilly now, but at least there's no rain. Hopefully the forecast changes again. Blasting some dubmood just now and coding the finishing touches to the partynet. Booyah!
will you keep developing the partynet throughout farmfest like last year? :D
anders, drik en thuborg.
anders, drik en thuborg.
Nope, I'm actually nearly done! Unlike last year, when I started coding it like 2 days before the party. :D
The weather forecast image has changed again. Funny how that works. It's now a really nice day! Perfect timing.

(Malodix right)
Looks great! Have a super weekend.
Farmfest live blogging available at!
Live from the 7k run: dwarf du er en abekat!
stop running, hammer time!
Is there a timetable for the compos, or a starting time? I might stop by for a couple of hours later tonight.
the party network says 21.00 if i remember correctly! =)