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why is there no graphic category on pouet?

category: general [glöplog]
well, asm 2010 has just ended, and inside graphic competition i'm sure there is real masterpieces i'm missing.

if i want to see them the only option is going into the scene.org ftp directories, finding the right zip, download it, open it and start again for all other prods.

wont it be a lot easier to have this category with right results directly on pouet ?

also these productions (which are, in my opinion) as great as 4ks or wild compos) never get comments, thumb up or thumb down :(

in production screenshot the picture should be shown and if someone want to see full size image, he just need to press download button. i dont think this needed to change anything to make this work on pouet (i mean no code for this), just create a new category and upload stuff...
added on the 2010-08-14 14:35:38 by Tigrou Tigrou
For the same reason there are no module, streaming music or exemusic categories.
added on the 2010-08-14 14:39:31 by trc_wm trc_wm
http://www.pouet.net/prodlist.php?type[]=musicdisk no exe music?
i can understand for modules and streaming...

but why did we allow wild prods, procedural graphics, but no static images?
added on the 2010-08-14 14:47:02 by Tigrou Tigrou
we have one.
Go to bitfellas.org artcity, no ? Or some other similar site. As they say, pouet != scene && scene != pouet.
Tigrou: musicdisks are an exception, for some reason.
added on the 2010-08-14 15:44:00 by trc_wm trc_wm
Tigrou: musicdisks are an exception, for some reason.

Easy. Exemusic normally comes with no interface, it just renders a wav file. A musicdisk, however, provides music playback and nifty graphics. Just like a demo, but different.
to be honest i was against the adding of procedural graphics
added on the 2010-08-14 16:27:11 by Gargaj Gargaj
executeable is executeable and belongs on pouet.
music and graphics arent executeable on their own, but there are other sites for that like Bitfellas including ArtCity and Bitjam and Mudia Art and modland and and and...
i think we should keep that :)
Now I'm not a mod person, I don't know too much about trackers. Some while ago I submitted an exe music in the wild category to which I got an apologetic response mentioning that if pouet included exe music they'd have to include mods as well. Again, I don't know much about mods so I assume this is true. That I suppose, is the reasoning behind it.
added on the 2010-08-14 16:45:52 by sigflup sigflup
Actually i wouldn't really mind adding gfx here, but i can understand why some wouldn't want them.
added on the 2010-08-14 16:47:26 by uncle-x uncle-x
i think exemusic should get a category here, as its executeable and its code inside !
we have the random image thread for graphics, go post them there!
added on the 2010-08-14 17:01:21 by el mal el mal
why no exemusic while theres a lot of stuff like this on pouet already ?
especially on c64 theres a lot of digi-shit ( while sabrina still rocks ;) )
Why have animations and videos if not graphics or music :) ? Neither are realtime nor executable. Maybe there should be separate section for non-realtime/-executable productions.
added on the 2010-08-14 18:22:10 by noby noby
so if i understand, only binaries (exe, flashfile, ...) that can be executed on misc hardware (pc, c64, amiga...) have to be on pouet.

that the reason there is no music streaming, or mods... and no pictures, as I suggested.

if so why is there wild compos ??? these stuff have nothing to do with realtime demos and hardware as they are only prerendered movies... (or in other words a series of pictures shown over the time)

also, most wild compos show things (eg : guy with gun, model animation...) that have no relation with demoscene (for me demoscene = show me what you can do with your hardware, using ur programming skills)
added on the 2010-08-14 18:27:42 by Tigrou Tigrou
Not to derail it.. But for the c64 scene it's the tradition to always include a viewer or player when releasing standalone graphics or music. (executable)
added on the 2010-08-14 18:36:20 by Sander Sander
if i want to see them the only option is going into the scene.org ftp directories, finding the right zip, download it, open it and start again for all other prods.
If only there was some software out there that made it possible to download (and unpack) more than one file at a time. What a shame!
added on the 2010-08-14 19:05:19 by gloom gloom
Not that I really care, but it is a bit of a double standard. Why include executable graphics but not executable music? Why include animations (AVI etc.) but not still pictures (PNG etc.)? I don't follow the logic.
added on the 2010-08-14 19:29:54 by doomdoom doomdoom
gloom: uh.. every better DownloadManager can handle that. Hell, even Windows Explorer can do that for you.
Start Explorer, Enter: ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2010/assembly10/grfx in the Adress bar, press Ctrl+A, [(right click on any file, select Copy to Folder, select desired Destination Folder) / (Ctrl+C, Win+E, Select desired Destination Folder, Ctrl+V)], in Destination Folder press Ctrl+A, [Rightclick/ContextMenu-Button(the one next to the right Win-Key)], Extract all (or if you got WinRAR or 7zip, the corresponding entry, eg "extract to *\")
And on most other platforms, something with wget -m piped with unzip should do the trick.
added on the 2010-08-14 19:34:59 by merkur merkur
merkur: haha, you should have told that tigrou, not gloom who was just ironic/sarcastic ;)
oh, wait, you did so, hehe :)
Wait... what?
added on the 2010-08-14 22:42:11 by merkur merkur
pouet.net != scene.org && scene.org != pouet.net
added on the 2010-08-14 23:30:32 by p01 p01
The best reason of all is that it would just be too fucking much. Just imagine trying to keep up with new releases after a party with a lot of compos (let's say: Breakpoint).
In addition to the flood of intros, demos and wild contributions you'd have music and images as well. Oh, and let's not discriminate against the ANSI scene!

I don't give a shit about the reasoning behind what to allow and disallow, but where it's at right now feels about OK (I'm not too sure about procedural graphics either, but how would you differentiate between a regular 4k and a 4k still image without it?)
added on the 2010-08-14 23:43:30 by lug00ber lug00ber


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