Dolby Surround/Digital/DTS In Demos?
category: general [glöplog]
Hello there.
Since i got a decent decent old pioneer surround decoder that can somewhat decode the mentioned audio signals through digital, i always wondered if there are any scene demos? In terms of graphics the scene somewhat developed, but in terms of audio its still just stereo.
And for those who complain that surround equipment is expensive: far from it. Most of my newer onboard soundcards feature digital audio and the pioneer receiver was 40€ in the flea market. (Around twice of that on ebay.)
Since i got a decent decent old pioneer surround decoder that can somewhat decode the mentioned audio signals through digital, i always wondered if there are any scene demos? In terms of graphics the scene somewhat developed, but in terms of audio its still just stereo.
And for those who complain that surround equipment is expensive: far from it. Most of my newer onboard soundcards feature digital audio and the pioneer receiver was 40€ in the flea market. (Around twice of that on ebay.)
Second Reality bby Future Crew :DD
I'm not talking about Dolby Mono :D
DTS soundtracks suck IMO... it's good for sound effects and stuff, but not for music
DTS soundtrack rulez when you listen a good one. For example, check "Sensurround" and "Five Point One" by Cornelius.
This may sound stupid, but if i wanted to listen to a DTS soundtrack, what format will it be when its only audio? Something like .ac3? And what player should i use?
Exin: .DTS, .ISO or even .WAV (dts packed).
When I downloaded some dts audio (ages back admittedly), the process was pretty simple: download .wav file (plain pcm), burn to CD. Play it in a cd player connected digitally to the decoder, and it magically comes out as dts.
foobar plays all kinds of multi channel audio rather nicely :) i do sing its praises a bit too much, but its just rather awesome is all :)
psonice: are you confusing DTS with Dolby Pro Logic I / II?
No, it's DTS. If you play the actual downloaded .wav file, it's just noise - I guess they're storing the DTS audio directly into the wav file, then when you play it the decoder recognises the DTS data and plays sweet 5.1 music instead of binary garbage. Whatever, it works :)
Are there players that could play a tracker module over a full range of speakers?
Also, i have noticed that there are different kinds of DTS. Today i've seen a movie that had DTS, but no "surround". It only used the front speakers. On the decoder, the dts mode was enabled, but the red "DTS" logo wasnt showing. When i watched a different movie, when both signs showed up, all speakers were seperately used.
Who gives a shit? I use headphones. I just want binaural sound.
So when you have friends round you all sit there with headphones on? Oh wait, I see.. sorry to hear that. :P
Are there players that could play a tracker module over a full range of speakers?
I'm sure MPT is not the only one which can output quad surround - in Impulse Tracker, the S91 command only used Dolby Pro Logic, but MPT can play such channels on the rear channels (and with additional commands, you can pan in the rear channels, too).
Oh, and if you look for a more sophisticated way to create 5.1 modules, check ReViSiT.
Splitters my friend, splitter.
Thanks :)