Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Ahaha, "I respect women and *words*"
*objectifies women and stumbles over own statement*
*objectifies women and stumbles over own statement*
who's this ringo creep anyway? and why doesn't he just go away?

Ahaha, "I respect women and *words*"
*objectifies women and stumbles over own statement*
You're not doing or have done "Womens Studies" @ uni are you? The main reason I ask is the misquoting, generalization & the complete misunderstanding of my point. I do like "and *words*" as a technique of showing you can't be arsed properly coming up with a valid argument. I think I'll us that 1 in future if you don't mind. ;-)
the point is: go away
the point is: go away
who's this ringo creep anyway? and why doesn't he just go away?
go away
I'm sensing a pattern here & some hostility - c'mon Rowley let's hug it out.

the point is: go away
Won't work, Havoc.
Leave him in his lunatic asylum (this thread).
One glory day even this thread will reach the "$8000" mark ;)
Is this the new BITS?
Thought you weren't paying attention anymore dodgy? ;-)
there's girls, where is the cup ????
go away

2 for you bLa - pre-filled.

please stay, others are gay, we're in cncd are not so I enjoy this. and okkie is a object.
hehe, just because you can't seem to read. I was making fun of your retarded statement you posted on the previous page. :)
@ okkie - Quotes and counter-points please.
:-) en garde.

:-) en garde.

go away, creep

Beautiful face and a beautiful voice to match!
Who please 8-bit? I'd like to hear her sing and filename gives nothing away.
Whew, bumped it just in time.

Keep em rollin' in Ringo. Anything that annoys Havoc and Okkie is worth gold in a pot. Oh yeah, that and your taste in women sucks!
Ringo: Anna Vandas
Thanks 8-Bit.

Nice bump(s) ;-)

rare find me on irc.scene.org in #xchat

rare find me on irc.scene.org in #xchat