Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
'spose it looks more like she's fellating it really.
Try to explain how to play D&D to a 5 yr. old. My girls watched Benders Game last night and wanted to know how to play the game. DM in the making.
Try to explain how to play D&D to a 5 yr. old. My girls watched Benders Game last night and wanted to know how to play the game. DM in the making.
'spose it looks more like she's fellating it really.
Try to explain how to play D&D to a 5 yr. old. My girls watched Benders Game last night and wanted to know how to play the game. DM in the making.
Try to explain how to play D&D to a 5 yr. old. My girls watched Benders Game last night and wanted to know how to play the game. DM in the making.
Not deliberately double posting - Midori bug, whatever but not a deliberate thread spam.
Hopefully no dps this time.
r13: EPIC!
But if he were pedaling foward the pebbles would be heading for the back of his nuts.
We call 'em gumnuts where I come from.
We call 'em gumnuts where I come from.
Xerby: That's my fave! I didn't know you cared! \:D/
wtf? what wtf??
I didn't know there WERE black socks until it was pointed out to me. Bit of a fail methinks.