Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Anyone know how to get around "Argument list too long" error with mv? I'm using -nuv switch.
if you are trying to mv -nuv * dest, you could use "ls | while read file; do mv -nuv $file dest;done" instead.
Er, "mv -nuv "$file" dest"....
Gah, engineering!! Why are watches so complicated? Who the hell works out all those pieces?! My brain certainly doesn't... =(
The higher end watch making companies have this thing of making the most elaborate watches with the most parts, the one I posted has over 600 parts, I'm sure there are watches with more in. I've always had this affinity for watches, I just love the amount of work that goes into designing the more complex pieces. It's almost a form of art.
You should check out the "Urwerk" watches. http://www.urwerk.com/
Thanks Joghurt, this is for backup: usually I rsync but moving lots of *ahem* image files is probably better this way. Looks like I might recompile based on suggestion from here. I'll have to anyway next month - I'm getting a wacom tablet and there are some goodies I want to throw in. Cheers, nontheless.

shut up and post a random image.

Not mine, but random & purddy.

@mystra: great, lol!

hey i have the same phone!
hey i have the same phone!
it looks like a good phone
hey i have the same gf!
it looks like a good gf