Random Pessimist Thread
category: residue [glöplog]
syntax error: glass
Death is too good for sceners.
This all doesn't make sense anymore...
i don't know what to say. it would stupid.
coredumps and headcrashes
whatever you plan to do, it will not work
In real life, there is no "Happy End".
the world may now :(
There is no hope...
No more breakpoint.
Scene is dead.
Life suxx.
Scene is dead.
Life suxx.
The world may end now!
The end is near...
the end of the world is upon us, pretty soon it will all turn to dust.
good bye my friends, good bye world, I'll see you in the next life
good bye my friends, good bye world, I'll see you in the next life
no girlfriends
we are gonna die.
hey look, a small, cute kitten!!!!!
<Emperor Turhan> "How, how will it end ?"
<Kosh> "In fire..."
<Kosh> "In fire..."
Eyh, a Babylon 5 quote - nice. I though I was the only fan out there ;)
I was so wrong.
gloom, did you dare believing you would be the only fan out there?
And by the way, life is boring since b5.
"All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;
The feast is over and the lamps expire."
The feast is over and the lamps expire."