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Why do BITS still release demos?

category: residue [glöplog]
is this some sort of performance art? is there an ending?
added on the 2010-06-17 14:24:54 by alk alk
This is torture at home, by paranormal powers

### 20100617: police report: illegal poisonning with sulfur into mouth by spectral dragon, yellow. ### PLEASE, REMOVE TO THE ORIENT. THANKS! ###
added on the 2010-06-17 14:48:42 by BITS BITS
why posting it here?
added on the 2010-06-17 15:01:34 by alk alk
solo: so why are you telling us ?
added on the 2010-06-17 15:33:31 by spiny spiny
solo: get a life ;-)
added on the 2010-06-17 20:12:59 by magic magic
### 20100618: Police Report: illegal industrial spying of neighbors into Home and Private Space. ###
added on the 2010-06-18 23:53:09 by BITS BITS
### 20100620: 2400: Police Report: illegal smell of urine in newly washed pijama. ###
added on the 2010-06-20 01:26:14 by BITS BITS
add more powder next time!
added on the 2010-06-20 02:17:12 by el mal el mal
solo2: your neighbours are looking into your window? Do you ever go out and talk to them? You could introduce yourself, make friends, perhaps tell them it makes you feel uncomfortable when they look in, they would probably stop :)
added on the 2010-06-20 11:31:35 by alk alk
### 20100620: Police Report: illegal telepath talking inside my Head and ear over remote control. Illegally. ILLEGAL TELEPATHY. ###

alk: they are illegals, delinquents, criminals, assassins, aliens, softwares, A.I.s, dogs and cats, ...
added on the 2010-06-20 19:20:13 by BITS BITS
what's wrong with dogs and cats?
added on the 2010-06-20 19:22:14 by Gargaj Gargaj
### 20100620: police report: illegal invasion of neighbors into flat, stealth of private information. All day smell to urine over telepathy. ###
added on the 2010-06-20 22:58:59 by BITS BITS
20100620: police report:
neighbor says to spy into my Intimate space and spy my shadow,
neighbor says to have interfered my computer
added on the 2010-06-20 23:00:08 by BITS BITS
### 20100620: police report: neighbors spying illegally into Home and Private flat. Insulting. ###
added on the 2010-06-21 00:04:43 by BITS BITS
When did he and his prods appear?

When did this "police report" nonsense begin?
added on the 2010-06-21 00:16:16 by Deus Deus
### 20100621: Police Report: neighbors spying into Home, violating and simulating invasion with stealth. Neighbors stealing private and intimate information. Illegal interferences of sound, taste, smell, skin perceptions. ###
added on the 2010-06-21 13:23:25 by BITS BITS
In soviet russia, demos still release BITS!
added on the 2010-06-21 13:39:24 by xeron xeron
in soviet USA, BITS prods dont come in last.
added on the 2010-06-22 17:59:58 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
### 20100623: Police Report: illegal insertion of product into mouth. Deducing an illegal invasion of Home while sleeping. ###
added on the 2010-06-23 11:37:34 by BITS BITS
### 20100623: Police Report: illegal interferences of the Internet connection. Illegal invasion of Home and illegal injections of fat into belly. ###
added on the 2010-06-23 12:22:18 by BITS BITS
### 20100623: Police Report: illegal torture of body with manipulation and virtual hiccuping. ###
added on the 2010-06-23 13:49:10 by BITS BITS
hm. everyone is entitled to their personal insanity, but this police report shit is getting slightly boring.

BITS: how about actually TALKING with people here? you know, like, also LISTENING and ANSWERING? instead of just unloading your shit here day after day?

i mean, granted, pouet users are mostly idiots, but then again, you do log in here, so you could as well make your stay worthwhile.
added on the 2010-06-23 14:00:03 by vibrator vibrator
### 20100624: Police Report: illegal neighbors spying, while sleeping. Illegal neighbors spectra invading Home: stealth of Intimacy and Privacy. ###
added on the 2010-06-24 16:48:24 by BITS BITS
BB Image
added on the 2010-06-24 17:38:15 by aquaman aquaman


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