The Most Remarkable Album On This Entire Planet
category: music [glöplog]
cyborgjeff will win eurovision 2011 with this track.
Wrong! Curt Cool is gonna win eurovision 2011 with this track!
he *is* called curt cool, after all.
skrebbel: interesting.
how would you put it ?
how would you put it ?
I set up a special support site.
Willbe: Take one creative individual. Experienced craftsmanship, thought, humor and love. 4 to the floor rhythms. International business machines. Mad community gardener. Monks who wear Hawaii shirts. Pitched up lyrics, and great distorted contributions from a 909. Put it all into a studio in Eindhoven, Holland, stir and - powered by your suggestions - let it simmer for three minutes. PRESTO- HAPPY HARDCORE WINNAH \o/
also, sagacity... your site is excellent but where is the donate button?!
also, sagacity... your site is excellent but where is the donate button?!
I want an iPad so that I can go online with it and post a shitload more of crap on pouet, so plz send me some money. pretty PLEEEEEAAAAAAAZZZEEE!!!!!! i need it. thank you.
willbe, beside what havoc said: something a little more humble.
then again, maybe the "oh, OH! i'm so awesome!"-attitude is the only way to get by, outside small inbred places like the demoscene. clearly, paniq's new thing is not particularly targeted at the demoscene only, so if this approach works for him, so be it.
i personally think some slight sense of humbleness would do him good, like nearly all talented demoscene artists who also do stuff outside the scene have (yourself included). i always thought that humbleness would come naturally to people who hang out in an artist-only-environment like the demoscene. i mean, if you're only in it for the chicks and the groupies, why do demoscene at all? srsly, youtube and myspace will do fine.
i think on the bottomline i just don't understand it. i'm also absolutely sure he can live with the occasional hippie calling him a sellout, so afaik there's no harm done.
then again, maybe the "oh, OH! i'm so awesome!"-attitude is the only way to get by, outside small inbred places like the demoscene. clearly, paniq's new thing is not particularly targeted at the demoscene only, so if this approach works for him, so be it.
i personally think some slight sense of humbleness would do him good, like nearly all talented demoscene artists who also do stuff outside the scene have (yourself included). i always thought that humbleness would come naturally to people who hang out in an artist-only-environment like the demoscene. i mean, if you're only in it for the chicks and the groupies, why do demoscene at all? srsly, youtube and myspace will do fine.
i think on the bottomline i just don't understand it. i'm also absolutely sure he can live with the occasional hippie calling him a sellout, so afaik there's no harm done.
skrebbel, just asking :)
i myself didn't find paniq's project description pretentious, but just funny.
typical pretentious guys would have put some photos of themselves with hip clothes and their entire pricey audio equipment, with the obligatory exhaustive gear-list on the bottom.
i myself didn't find paniq's project description pretentious, but just funny.
typical pretentious guys would have put some photos of themselves with hip clothes and their entire pricey audio equipment, with the obligatory exhaustive gear-list on the bottom.
youtube and myspace will do fine.
In 2010? No way.
with the obligatory exhaustive gear-list on the bottom
oh hai

from what i've heard, a certain method of trinity will fight for the netherlands in the next years ESC.
did i say fight? it's a surefire win!
did i say fight? it's a surefire win!
@Maali: yes.
@skrebbel: a sellout is someone who prostitutes himself for a bit of attention. i'm just trying to do my work here. if you have a problem with the wording: i'm a composer, not a writer, jim. send me something better or stfu. AND a friend told me i should quit being so damn humble about myself, all that i will get from that is that no one knows what i'm doing. i believe he's right. we should at least try to aim for the stars.
@rowley: i like your alternative proposal for the intro text :D
@willbe: thanks for defending me. my gear list is mostly free software and hardware of good quality but low price. i'm a fucking bum ;)
@dlz: gogogo!
@skrebbel: a sellout is someone who prostitutes himself for a bit of attention. i'm just trying to do my work here. if you have a problem with the wording: i'm a composer, not a writer, jim. send me something better or stfu. AND a friend told me i should quit being so damn humble about myself, all that i will get from that is that no one knows what i'm doing. i believe he's right. we should at least try to aim for the stars.
@rowley: i like your alternative proposal for the intro text :D
@willbe: thanks for defending me. my gear list is mostly free software and hardware of good quality but low price. i'm a fucking bum ;)
@dlz: gogogo!
paniq, fair enough, you're not a sellout, so i take that back. otherwise, i think we can perfectly well agree to disagree. good luck with the project, no matter what - i hope you'll get it done.
1970-1999 we had musicians playing in shopping malls, begging for money to afford their living.
now we have 2010.
the times are changing.
welcome to the future.
now we have 2010.
the times are changing.
welcome to the future.
dlz: haha, fuck! I had to read that 3 times before it dawned :D
AND a friend told me i should quit being so damn humble about myself, all that i will get from that is that no one knows what i'm doing. i believe he's right. we should at least try to aim for the stars.
I cannot agree enough!!! All I got from being humble is sitting around, being bored and creating art, noone knows...
A very fitting video to this topic:
Oh, and one very important thing in gerneral: How can anyone criticize an artist who is creating great stuff and giving it away FOR FREE!!!
I can use Paniq's music in my videos, even make money from it (I sure would like that :-D ) and no fucking GEMA comes around and wants a piece of that cake!
Oh, and one very important thing in gerneral: How can anyone criticize an artist who is creating great stuff and giving it away FOR FREE!!!
Since when is the cost a factor in how good art is?
Oh, and one very important thing in gerneral: How can anyone criticize an artist who is creating great stuff and giving it away FOR FREE!!!
Free or not, if some thing is shit then it is shit; if something is gold, then it is gold.
haters will hate. good luck with the project Paniq.
since about the time of the dot com bubble.
Since when is the cost a factor in how good art is?
since about the time of the dot com bubble.
It's awesome if somebody gives away stuff for free, but you don't get a free pass to the awesome show because of it.
Paniq is a p. talented dude though, so I wish him well on this en devour.
Paniq is a p. talented dude though, so I wish him well on this en devour.
imagine if some people would make music for free and even make competitions for it.
Everybody should win that competition, because the music is free!! No questions or critique allowed!
haha, fuck! I had to read that 3 times before it dawned :D
Wait, what?
sag: something to do with the music compos of Bizarre 98 and The Party 98 :)