Trilobit Copyparty 2009 (20.6. / Helsinki)
category: general [glöplog]
Trilobit is two years old and now is finally the time to get together and reminisce all those great parties and sleepless nights spent slaving over extraordinary demoscene productions... maybe even drink a beer or two!
We're organizing a scene / group meet / copyparty (bring your own EPROMs and EPROMers and possibly electricity ;]) on the 20th of June, or during the Finnish midsummer in sunny Alppipuisto, Helsinki (a lovely park next to an amusement park). Everybody is welcome to join us and celebrate the only tolerable time of year in Finland. :)
Bring beer, food, sceners and lots and lots of scene spirit with you :)
-- facebook event (if you happen to use such services).
We're organizing a scene / group meet / copyparty (bring your own EPROMs and EPROMers and possibly electricity ;]) on the 20th of June, or during the Finnish midsummer in sunny Alppipuisto, Helsinki (a lovely park next to an amusement park). Everybody is welcome to join us and celebrate the only tolerable time of year in Finland. :)
Bring beer, food, sceners and lots and lots of scene spirit with you :)
-- facebook event (if you happen to use such services).
bad timing
Agreed, something like a week later would have been about perfect.
Yeah, juhannus and all that. But, it's an alternative :)
Maybe will go there.
Yeah, maybe after all.
I have good memories of alppipuisto, circa 2008.
boozembly was held at alppipuisto one year..
It's also the nicest park I've found in my new home city :)
| :::3lbcopyparty2009 |
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| :::laatotus |
| 1. Tzaeru |
/-x-/ 2. Tzaeru |
| 3. Ilmarque |
\ /
/ \
| :::kuvaus |
| 1. Ilmarque |
| 2. Ilmarque |
| 3. ilmarque \-x-\
| disq. Ilmarque |
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/ \
| :::kivitys |
| 1. pahamoka \-x-\
| lohdutus. Letki |
so pics & partyreports will be online soon?
pics online after Ilmarque manages to upload them :)
dammit, if it was tonight I could have made it :/
youre tonight in helsinki?
I think this was one of the best demoparties I've attended, accompanied with the regular memory loss and terrible hangover.
oh my god I read it as "Trollbait demoparty"
nosfe: I WAS :( and I had to waste 7 hours doing NOTHING. dammit, I hate it when you don't have access to teh intarnetz and people would love to have a beer or two :/. The good thing, I didn't lose that 5€ in the Grand Casino!
I wish I could attend but I'm not in Helsinki then. Next time maybe!
miiro, that was last year
nice pics!
Doing it this year as well: