Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]

well, i can't link full size images from this site, so i encourage you to check
btw, last one is like "size antimatters" scene.

shuffle2: "demoish object", that is, a thing that exists in real life and looks like a demo effect
How do you know he didn't blow his girlfriends head up?

xeron: I was rather refering to that posterised Matterhorn ...
Anyway, the Iceland Eyjafjallajökull shot with the Aurora Borealis is totally Outrack'ish, though :)
Anyway, the Iceland Eyjafjallajökull shot with the Aurora Borealis is totally Outrack'ish, though :)
...and I know why. There's only one guy out there who can do this - Tom Savini - and I don't think he's got a pouet account ;)